As a child I always loved to draw and dance. As I reached my teens the dancing became a huge part of my life and eventually I became a professional ballet dancer so art took a bit of a back…
I studied art at school but never took it any further once I started work. One of the positive things that came out of the 2020 lockdown for me is that I started to do some drawing and painting again,…
Welcome to our newest weekend art challenge. Cows are a very popular subject to paint and draw at the moment, so why not give the subject a go for yourself. You could create a realistic piece, a mix media piece,…
Welcome to the results of our first weekend art challenge of 2023! This challenge was all about painting or drawing fairy’s and we have received a wonderful array of artwork. We also have some new students submitting too! We love…
I am Nyangoma Borg and I have a passion for art. I joined the Digital Illustration Diploma Art Course to broaden my knowledge in art and I had wanted to expand to digital art. With this course I learned a…
London Art College student Virginia Jimenez Sanchez has submitted her first set of work recently on the Illustration Diploma Course with tutor Steven Hersey. Tutor Steven said…. Virginia’s first et of work is brilliant – wonderful technical ability throughout and…
These are three of my favourites that are based upon true events – with a little artistic licence? Stu Roberts – History of Art Tutor Edward Hopper Buy on Amazon – The Narrow Land In the late summer season of…
If you are UK based and would like to attend a private Life Drawing class run by our very own tutor Alan Dedman, please contact Alan to secure your place and see below for more details. This drawing class follows…
Welcome to the first weekend art challenge for 2023! We are easing everyone in gently by having a really lovely, happy subject – Fairies! Draw, paint or why not dress up and take a photo of yourself. Whatever you choose,…
I am another lockdown-baby-artist…still feel guilty that I had such a lovely time in lockdown, but also feel so privileged to have had a chance to enrol on the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course and learn new skills and improve…
Cartooning tutor John Byrne alerted us to the Young Cartoonish of the Year competition. If you enter please do let us know so that we can do a blog post on you! We wish all of the entries the best…
I enrolled on the London Art College Drawing and Painting Diploma two years ago, and I am so glad I did. Right from the start, my tutor, Paul Weaver, was very supportive and encouraging, giving me confidence as I worked my…
We have a Fiery Fred treat for you all today. A beautiful collection of Fiery Fred illustrations from a variety of students. They are all so varied, some fabulous ideas and different takes on the same theme. We love them…
Jill has been working on our Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma and have created some absolutely wonderful illustrations for her latest submission which we thought you might all like to see. Jill has written about the work too which might give…
We would like to wish all of our students and readers of our blog, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. All the very best for your artwork in 2023!
Student Jane Reid has created some absolutely incredible Caksicles! Although not strictly a Christmas card, we were just so impressed at the amount of detail and creativity that has gone into them, they were a must to show here. Amazing…
Julie M has created a number of Christmas cards this year and we have been thrilled to have the chance to showcase them on our blog this festive season. Here are the final two cards, we love the cat peeping…
We hope that everyone has been enjoying the Christmas Card Countdown so far. Today we have an exquisite pencil drawing by student Eric Waller. His skills as a pencil artist are second to none. Eric drew this beautiful drawing and…
We have some fantastic cartoons for you today for our Christmas Card Countdown. Student Alfred Reid studied our Cartooning course and has created a series of Christmas cartoons that we love. Alfred also sent us a photo of himself as…
A beautiful Christmas card today by Julie. Do you have a christmas card that you have drawn or painted that you would like us to showcase here? Just email it to us and we will add it for you!
We have two fabulous cards today by the very talented Emma Miller. Her creativity is endless with her fantastic artwork and cartoons. We love the Brussel Sprout Christmas tree, each sprout has such character! The robins are so very cute….
We have a lovely dog portrait Christmas card today by Pet Portrait Diploma student Sian Perry. Sian painted two lovely happy spaniels with big shiny eyes in watercolour, to wish us a Merry Christmas today!
A beautiful handmade and hand painted card today by London Art College student Juile M . Her painting of a lovely fluffy robin on some holly, is the perfect card for our festive and wintery weather here in the UK!
We have a beautiful Christmas card today by London Art College Student Elizabeth Robinson. We absolutely love it and look forward to seeing more of Elizabeth’s coloured pencil work in 2023!
We would like to welcome Sascha McDonald to the college who has recently joined us to embark on our Botanical Coloured Pencil Course. We are very much looking forward to seeing more of Sascha’s artwork from the course. Here though…
We have three amazing Christmas cards for you today by London Art College student Patti-Ann McNeill. We love them all and feel if we were the recipients, we would be delighted to receive them!
We absolutely love today’s Christmas card countdown image. It’s by student Eve Warren and Eve’s cat cartoons always make us laugh and smile. We hope this one brings smiles for you all too.
Lovely robin Christmas Card today by student Jackie Ford. Beautifully drawn and shaded using coloured pencil.
Two amazing Christmas card creations today by student Cerys Reese. We absolutely love Santa and his chickens!
Two superb Christmas card countdown pieces today by London Art College student Michael King. Michael has just enrolled on our coloured pencil course and we hope that he enjoys working with tutor Monika Cilmi and submitting his first assignment in…
London Art College student Tomasz Jawski created these two wonderful digital Christmas cards for our challenge. We love them both and are thrilled to showcase them here on our blog. Well done Tomasz!
Two lovely christmas countdown cards today by Emma Miller. We love them!!
We absolutely love these two cards that Julie Martin-Molyneux created last week! Perfect timing for our Christmas Card Challenge and we hope that the recipients of each card will be delighted!
Christmas Card countdown day 6 is revealed! and today the artwork is by student Nina Phillips. We absolutely love Nina’s artwork and this one is no exception. The sparkly nose and the gorgeous eye, it has to be Rudolph! Nina…
London Art College student May Mayberry, created this amazing digital painting of holly for our Christmas card challenge. We absolutely love it, so dynamic!
A beautiful and very sweet illustration today by London Art College student Sophie Murphy.
Our runner up from this years London Art College competition Luiza Varovici created this absolutely stunning illustration for our Christmas card countdown. Luiza sent us this lovey email to accompany her artwork which we just had to include. We hope…
Todays Christmas card countdown is by London Art College student Cerys Rees. We absolutely love it!! So very clever and extremely well drawn and rendered. Well done Cerys!! Superb!!
Our yearly tradition is to feature students festive paintings and drawings every day of December. This year we set our students to draw or paint with own christmas card for us to display. The first beautiful Christmas card image is from…
Student Vincent Doherty’s most recent work on the Still Life course is stunning. We love his collection of bottles and objects in the painting below. The composition is excellent and it has all been laid out very well. The overall…
Still stuck for a Christmas present for your artists friend, or looking to convince your partner/friend that all that time you spend in your studio is worth the effort? You might think about giving them a movie rather than a…
To continue our series of Art History books and Art Novels, our Art History tutor Stuwart Roberts (Stu) has come up with another three must reads of three well known artists. Georgia O’Keeffe, Frieda Kahol and Artemisia Gentileschi. If you…
I was unsure if I would learn anything new doing the Digital Illustration Diploma Course since I had previous experience with digital illustration. I was pleasantly surprised! I have been using a different program since I started drawing digitally, and…
We would like our students to take part in our Christmas Card Challenge Countdown. It is very simple. Draw, paint or craft a Christmas card and send it to us for inclusion here, every day of December! You don’t have…
Welcome to our fabulous weekend challenge where we set our students the task of creating a drawing or painting on the theme of ‘Moon and Stars’. Our featured image this week is by student Sian Perry who has created this…
I have been doing art since I was 16 years old and it always made me happy, I never studied art, I just copied the drawing from the pictures I liked from the newspapers or from forwarded messages. I came…
Art History tutor, Stewart Roberts (Stu) has continued his Art History recommendations and has a few more suggestions for our students. Today’s books are all about the incredible artist Caravaggio. If you are new to Art History, the Italian painter…
I have just completed my first assignment for the Chibi Character Creation Course and have really enjoyed drawing pages of eyes, mouths and noses! Thank you Monique for your lovely feedback on my first assignment. It was really useful and…
Welcome to our latest art challenge. It’s bit of a different one this week. We would like you to create artwork on the theme of moon and stars. This one will definitely make you think outside the box and be…
Welcome to our latest weekend art challenge where we asked our students to create a piece of artwork using the colours red and green. The theme of this challenge was very well timed as it was Remembrance Sunday, so many…
Student Peter Warren has submitted a marvellous set of work for his Beginners Drawing Course. His pen and ink drawings are simply stunning. We have added some of Peter’s explanations for his drawings to go along side for our students…
Student Heather Crick has been working tirelessly on her Still Life Course and here are just a few of her amazing paintings that she has created while on the mid section of her course. We love the varying colours and…
Some excellent illustrations from student Helen Judd today with her assignment about the cow who made a friend with a bird. Each of Helen’s illustrations are very well thought out and we love her ideas. The featured image is our…
Welcome to this weekends art challenge. This time we would like you to paint or draw anything of your choice in the colours Red and Green! Try to stick to these colours if you can, although small amounts of other…
Welcome to our fireworks display! We set our students the huge task this week to depict fireworks in paint, pastel, coloured pencil, mixed media or digital. Anything with a splash of colour. We think our students all have done a…
Near the start of our Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma Course, we ask our students to create a double page spread of the nursery rhyme ‘Row Row Row your Boat’. Here are a lovely collection of students artwork celebrating this exercise….
In the lead-up to Christmas, students may be thinking about gifts that are suitable for others who share a love or interest in art of all kinds. Art History tutor, Stewart Roberts (Stu) has a few suggestions for novels that…
It’s officially fireworks night on the 5th of November here in the UK and many of us will be taking children and grandchildren to watch the displays. We thought it would be a fun way of celebrating fireworks night with…
Happy Halloween everyone!! For those who celebrated, we hope that you all had a fantastic time enjoying some Trick or Treating, plenty of chocolates and enjoyed carving your pumpkins very artily!! We set our students the task this week of…
We are pleased to announce that London Art College tutor Alan Dedman is planning another life drawing day in Badingham. If students are in the area and would like to attend, please don’t hesitate to contact Alan directly using the…
London Art College student Helen Walton has been working on our Beginners Drawing Course with tutor Steven Hersey show has been really encouraging to Helen and helping her learn to draw. This particular assignment is all about drawing with pen…
Some wonderful illustrations today by London Art College student Claudia Wellwood. Claudia has illustrated an under the sink city with many characters which we can imagine children would be delighted with if published in a story book. If you would…
Student Tracey Mold has been working on our Pet Portrait Diploma Course and this is her third submission and we are extremely impressed. Tracey’s Cow’s nose that she had drawn is simply exquisite and we are vey much looking forward…
This weekends art challenge is all about Halloween. It’s that time of year again! You can create a scary painting or drawing using your wild imaginations, or perhaps choose to do something a little more traditional with a still life…
Welcome to our latest weekend art challenge on the theme of Steam trains! Not an easy subject as it deals with some perspective, but our studnets have done brillaintly! We absolutely love Cliffords Herbert’s steam train, which is our featured…
Welcome to the winners of this years 2022 London Art College Art Competition! The winner is student Max Byiringiro Bahizi and the runner up is Luiza Varovici. Congratulations to both students, a very well deserved win! We have added both pieces of…
Student Anastasiya Alpatova has been working through our Illustrating Children’s Book Diploma and we have added some of her illustrations below. Anastasiya said this upon starting the course… I would like to learn how to draw from imagination, how to…
Our Drawing and Painting Diploma Course is one of our most popular courses. It is suitable for complete beginners along with those who wish to improve and brush up their artistic skills. Students can practice an array of subjects from…
London Art College student Debra Rump has recently completed the Pet Portraits Diploma Course. We are thrilled to show just a few of her final pieces below. We hope that you enjoy viewing them and we wish Debra the best…
Our finalists are online – London Art College Finalists Congratulations to all of those who have got through to the next stage. The winners will be announced here next week!
Does anyone else here love steam trains? The gentle chuff chuff sounds and the smoke curling behind the train as it meanders through the countryside. Some of you may even be lucky enough to remember travelling on them many years…
Welcome to our weekend challenge all about bridges. On the face of it, bridges as a subject for drawing or painting might sound like quite a boring challenge. In all honesty, once you start doing a bit of research, it…
London Art College student Jacqueline Smith has created some amazing paintings so far on her Oil Painting Diploma Course and her work is absolutely stunning. We are proud to showcase it here on our blog for our students to view….
Abigail has painted and drawn two incredible pieces of artwork for her Pet Portraits Diploma Course with tutor Heather Jolliffe. We are very impressed with the quality of Abigail’s artwork. Her drawing skills are second to none. The pencil drawing…
I have never worked in ink before and discovered it is a really enjoyable way to work and loved the smooth finish. This is very different to anything I have ever drawn before, so it was a challenge, but a…