Maggy asked Sara, a student currently studying on the Illustrating Children’s Books illustration diploma, if she would email me a copy of one of her wonderful pieces of artwork for the college news blog. Sara has very kindly written about herself and the artwork below. ———————————————————————————– Sara Wyche…
Here is a wonderful piece of artwork from a student currently studying on the Children Illustration Course Diploma. Isn’t it wonderful! I think the dragon is laughing at the irate lady and her rolling pin. This illustration would be perfect in…
One of my Pet Portraits students has completed their course and passed with distinctions and you can find a detail of the painting below on the honours list page. I asked Lisa if she would be able to write a little about the Woodpecker painting and…
Ian Emerson has recently completed our graphic design diploma course with Vanessa Weaver and mentioned to Vanessa that he had been involved in a wonderful project with the ‘Living Memory Association’. Read and view Ian’s story below along with viewing his work….
One of my pet portraits students sent a wonderful piece of artwork through to me this week to be critiqued. The brief was to create a surreal portrait and Barbara has created a fabulous portrait of her cat Chef Athos. Such a lovely…
We would like to wish all of our students a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Here’s to a very successful and creative 2013! Also thank you to Angela, one of our students on the Pet Portraits Diploma course for allowing us to use her Robin drawing which…
Having just assessed one of my students work on the Pet Portraits Diploma Course, I was thrilled to see this painting of a Rooster that she had done. What a superb painting, it just had to be added here to…
Here is a wonderful piece of artwork emailed to me by one of the Chinese brush painting students, to add to the student gallery. Isn’t it beautiful!!
Here is another of my students artwork, a lady studying on the Pet Portraits Diploma Course and this was from her first set. She is progressing extremely well with her pencil work and I’m really looking forward to seeing what…
We have received an email from Dominic Leyton and are posting it on our blog in case any of our students are interested in working with Dominic. We are in no way affiliated with Dominic Leyton, we have no knowledge about the project and are only passing…
This is a beautiful piece of artwork from one of my own students who is currently studying on the Pet Portrait Diploma. This student has understood the structure of the dog well and is progressing extremely well with her pastel…
What a wonderful and inspiring story, written by Lynn, who has just passed the Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma Course with Distinctions. We hope Lynn enjoys the extension course with Maggy and we wish her the very best of luck with her future illustrations! ————————————————— My…
Victoria Edwards has just completed the Graphic Design Art Diploma Course receiving a distinction. We would like to congratulate Victoria on working so well though her course and we are sure that she will go far in her creative endeavours. Vanessa Weaver, the Graphic Design Course tutor,…
Norma submitted her work to Julie Douglas who tutors the coloured pencil extension course which Norma is currently studying on. I emailed Norma to ask if she would write a little something about her cat portrait for our college news blog. We would like to thank Norma officially…
Caroline is a new student on the Illustrating Children’s book course and she posted her painting of ‘Row Row Row your boat’ on our student forum. I was so taken with it I asked if Caroline would write a little about it for our blog. I hope you…
We have received an email from Paul O’Brain and are posting it on our blog in case any of our students are interested in working with Paul We are in no way affiliated with Paul, we have no knowledge about the project and are only passing…
16 year old Sunita Hodgson is currently taking the Graphic Design Diploma course with Vanessa Weaver and Vanessa asked if Sunita could write a little about one of her cartoons for the college news blog. I’m sure you will find it inspiring and I hope you…
The following text and images are by Claire, a very talented student who has just completed both the Illustrating Children’s Books (D6) and the follow on Extension course. We would like to thank Claire for taking the time to write a piece for our college news blog and we wish her…
We have our first pieces of artwork from our first student on our new correspondence course – Chinese Brush Painting! We would like to thank Janet for writing the piece below about her artwork and allowing us to display it both here and in our student gallery. We are looking forward…
A lovely testimonial from a Watercolour Diploma Student………… ————————————————————————- I am delighted to have received a distinction for my Watercolour Diploma. I enjoyed the course and the challenge of painting subjects which I have not attempted before and feel like I have…
Maggy Roberts, our Illustrating Children’s book tutor, asked if Jenny could write something for our college news blog. Jenny passed the Illustrating children’s books course with distinctions and she is in the process of writing children’s stories for publishers. Below are Jenny’s experiences from the course. —————————————————————- For…
I asked Nicola if she would be able to chat about her wonderful photograph below for our college news blog. Nicola is currently studying the Photography Diploma Course (D10) with Rona Cox and is enjoying every minute. I hope you enjoy Nicola’s post below. ———————————————————- Hello everyone, My name is Nicola…
We have received some beautiful artwork this week to add to the website and blog and I have added one of them below. This is a piece of work from the portraiture course and this student has completed two studies of eyes…
We add students to our honours list on our website regularly with students who have passed their course with flying colours. This week was the turn of a drawing and painting diploma student called Ulrike and when I saw her work, I thought we just…
In this jubilee year, the art world has inspired lots of talented individuals to participate in art competitions with Britain at the heart of their theme. New student, Julie Ann Maguire, who joined the Portraiture Certificate course in January this year,…
As a tutor for the college and also being an artist myself (Melanie Phillips pencil pet portraits)I quite often have art catalogues drop through my letter box and one of the regular suppliers that I order from is Ken Bromley Art Supplies….
This piece of lovely artwork was created by one of our current students studying the Illustrating Children’s books Diploma. Maggy has requested it to be on the website and I thought it would make a great blog post. Don’t forget…
We are pleased to announce this years winner and runner up for our 2012 London Art College Art competition. All of the tutors and admin staff who attended this years annual conference had the difficult task of choosing a winner…
The London Art College Admin staff and Tutors have just returned from the annual tutors conference. Unfortunately not all tutors and admin staff were able to attend, however we still had a good turn out, as you can see from the group photo below….
Our annual art competition for our students has come to a close for another year and we have now posted all of the entries and finalists online for you to peruse! We had a fantastic response this year with a whopping 84 entries. There were so many…
Having seen this illustration posted in our student forum, I thought it would be a fabulous one for the blog and student gallery. I have added the full illustration of the ‘Row, Row, Row your boat’ painting below, along with a close up of…
On my travels sorting out admin in the student area I stumbled across a student who is currently studying the Graphic Design Diploma, who has submitted their work for submission. All of the images drew me in and following the progression and the creative…
David Shepherds Wildlife foundation team have emailed us the press release below for our college news blog. I hope it is of some interest to some of our younger readers! ======================================================== Press Release: Animal Friends Insurance teams up with the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation to…
I thought this was an extremely clever image created by one of our Science Fiction and Fantasy course students. I hope you find it interesting!
We are receiving some fabulous work through at the moment, everyone must be in a very creative mood! This is a piece of artwork from a student currently taking the Illustrating children’s books and Maggy has just emailed it to me for the blog. Don’t you…
I asked one of our students who has just completed the Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma (D6) and received a distinction for his work, if he would write a little about his work and experiences through the course. It has been an extremely interesting read and I hope al budding illustrators out there,…
Maggy has just emailed me this wonderful piece of artwork from one of her students and we felt it just had to be added to our blog today. A star pupil in the making. I can see this student going…
This is a wonderful coloured pencil portrait from one of my own students. The time taken over this drawing can definitely be seen here and it has really paid off. Coloured pencil is a time consuming medium, it cant be hurried. My usual advice for students is to have one on…
Click on the image below to view details of the David Shepherd Wildlife Artist of the Year 2013 competition….
Our Portraiture tutor Julie Dougglas has emailed me a wonderful piece of students work which she received for critique this week. Its beautifully laid out and annotated. More and more students are using the computer to collate their work which is great for our tutors, the…
This piece of artwork caught my eye today, a Drawing and Painting Diploma student created this lovely watercolour rural scene. The student has used some wonderfully soft, wet in wet washes for the sky, allowing the colours to blend. They haven’t been…
This is one of my favourite pieces of artwork at the moment, its by a lovely student called Nancy who has completed a couple of courses with the London Art College. The creativity in this piece is superb, i love…
This wonderful piece of artwork has come to my attention this week, its absolutely beautiful. Not only covering the botanical illustration side of things it feels quite contemporary too. Well done to this student and I hope it inspires students…
Students only have three weeks left to enter the London Art Colleges 2012 competition. Submit your favourite piece of art work today. If you have any queries regarding how to submit your artwork please email Submit your entries for…
I received a lovely email from one of my previous students, Emma Richardson letting me know about her new website. I was thrilled to read Emma was doing wel and that her site was up and running and I asked if…
This young student who has recently completed the Drawing For children 1 course has completed with flying colours. His illustrated poem is superb and as you can see below a lot of thought and creativity went into the design of…
We have recieved a lovely email from one of of students, Lee Webb, who is currently studying with Julie Douglas on the Coloured Pencil Certificate course. He is so thrilled about his course that he has written a blog post…
I have a new student who has just sent her first set of work in for the Pet Portraits Diploma course and i felt that the ‘about you’ piece that I ask students to create was so wonderful I wanted to showcase it here…
Calling all students – submit one of your own favourite pieces of artwork to our London Art College 2012 art competition. Submit your entries today!. If you have any queries regarding how to submit your artwork please email Competition open…
The new Photography Diploma Course is now open for enrollment! Working with a college that is dedicated to and understands what being creative means, can only widen your horizons! The Photography Diploma course offers support as you learn the basics of photography…
Maggy Roberts, the Illustrating Children’s Books tutor, asked one of her students to email her work to me to post on the college news blog and in the student gallery. The ‘Sink City’ artwork is fantastic and so I emailed Emma to find…
We have received an email from ELCAF – East London Comics Arts Festival who are promoting their exhibition and event. We hope that those who live near or in the area interested in illustrating, cartooning and comic artwork will pop along to enjoy the show….
I asked Evelyn if she would mind us putting her portrait on our college news blog and she was delighted. Evelyn has written about her self portrait below. Evelyn’s painting is absolutely superb, I hope that our students reading this…
We would like to introduce our students and readers to our brand new Facebook page. We would love students input! Come over and ‘like’ our page and if you would like your artwork in our galleries on there, just drop us a line at…
I contacted Joanne yesterday after seeing a piece of artwork that she had recently completed and submitted for the Drawing and Painting Diploma course. I really loved what she had created and wanted to add it to the college news blog. I emailed Joanne…
Congratulations to Melaine D’Cruze who entered and won a competition for a Photo and Drawing Contest 2012 on “What is a good early childhood?” in association with UNESCO Bangkok, Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC). We would like to congratulate Melaine on her competition win and wish…
A coloured pencil students wonderful piece of artwork to cheer us up and remind us all of happy sunny summer days! This students is studying on the coloured pencil course with Julie Douglas and has produced a fabulous piece here in his chosen medium.
We have received an email from the Association of Illustrators, our children’s illustrators might be interested. ——————————————————– Illustration and the Children’s Book Industry: Secrets to Success Saturday 23 June, 10.00-17.30 Toynbee Studios Theatre, Arts Admin Lecture Theatre, 28 Commercial Street, London, E1 6AB This one-day event aims…
I have been given a lovely piece of artwork by Maggy Roberts, to add to the college blog. It has been created by one of her students on the Illustrating Children’s Book Diploma. It is from the Firey Fred exercise and this students use of watercolour and…
I recently asked one of my students if it would be ok to post her colour wheel drawing on our college blog. I felt that it was not only fantastically drawn but it fits the colour wheel concept so well. Carols rendering of the…
We have recived an email with the following information about the Oldie british Artist Award…if any of you enter and win, let us know! ———————————————————- The Oldie British Artists Award – to recognise the achievements of British Artists over the age of…
I asked Olga, one of our students who has just completed the Children’s Illustration course if she would write something about her ‘Singer of Starlight’ artwork for our college news blog and she agreed! I hope you enjoy reading Olga’s experiences and enjoy viewing…
The Association of British Correspondence Courses (ABCC) have a course of the week and this week its our Botanical Painting Diploma Course (D9) Tutored by Sandrine Maugy (pictured below). The London Art College is a long standing member of the Association of…
We have received an email from Marilyn Comparetto letting us know about this years art competition she is running. Please find all of the details below. =============================================== UK National Open Art Competition 2012 Deadline 30 June 2012 PRIZES 1st Prize £200 worth of…
Article by Julie Douglas – Coloured Pencil Drawing Certificate Course (C12) Recently I was asked to contribute an image to a new book highlighting what is happening in the world of Colour Pencil, globally, today. I was honoured to be invited….
Our Coloured Pencil Certificate course tutor Julie Douglas emailed me two wonderful images for the website completed by one of her students. Julie has also written about them below so we hope you enjoy reading and viewing her students work. ========================================================== These wonderful drawings are…
I saw this Illustration on our student forum and just had to ask Emma, who is currently studying on the Illustrating Children’s Book course, if she would write about it for our college news blog. Happily she said yes and I hope…
We have received a wonderful story / artwork from one of our current students Astrid Nielsch who is currently taking the Science Fiction & Fantasy Certificate Course (C13) We hope you enjoy reading and viewing Astrid’s wonderful sketches and artwork. ========================================================= My name is Astrid…
We have been in contact with a passed student, Martha, who successfully completed our Drawing and Painting Diploma (D1). Martha is about to exhibit in a local exhibition and has prepared some paintings of her surrounding area to exhibit. We asked Martha if she would write a…
Our Graphic Design tutor Vanessa emailed me some pieces of work for the website from one of her students Kate. We also asked if Kate would like to write about them for our college news blog. We hope you enjoy reading about Kate’s artwork. ============================================= I…
We have received an email below from Città del sole and thought we would post about it on our news page. If any of our students are interested in entering their competition, the link to their website is below. It is in Italian,…
One of my students on the Young Artists 1 course has created a wonderful illustration to a poem written by T.S.Elliot. It was definitely worth showcasing on our college news blog and I think the young student has given the overall composition and illustrations a lot…
We have received an email with the following competition. We wish all of our students the best of luck if they enter. ========================================== 2012 London International Creative Competition Accepting entries now. Visit LICC invites all visual artists to submit their creative work for…
We asked if Swantje, who is currently studying with Maggy on our Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma (D6), if she would be able to write something about her wonderful Illustration of the Pelican taking flight. I hope you enjoy reading Swantje’s text and…
Our Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma tutor Maggy Roberts sent me an email from Rachel Quarry, one of her students, letting us know about an illustration competition she and 6 other illustrators had entered and won. I asked Rachel if she would write about…