We have a request from Transport for London who are looking for a student to take photos for a competition they are running. If any of our students are the successful applicant, let us know! As always the London Art College is not…
Heather Robertson, who is currently studying our Illustrating Children’s Book Diploma with Maggy Roberts, contacted us recently as she has been commissioned by her local church to complete a series of paintings for them. Heather has so completed two paintings to date…
We have an ever growing and very busy facebook page and we would love our students to come and ‘like’ us if they are a member of Facebook. We post student artwork daily and students also post their own artwork to…
We have a request from Niki who is looking for a student to commission some works in a style similar to Beryl Cook (example image below). If any of our students are the successful applicant, let us know! As always the London…
Jenny Drew, who recently completed the Cartooning Diploma and is now studying with Spencer Hill on the Digital Illustration course, has kindly written about her experiences and her work. We are thrilled to hear Jenny is doing so well and…
Mel Giedroyc hosts a new TV show where two celebrities pair up with a different daily contestant in order to help them win a cash prize. Our very own Spencer Hill, tutor for our digital illustration course and Illustration for iPads, is…
We asked Dawn Treacher, currently studying the Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma Course, if she would write a little about her latest piece ‘Fiery Fred’. Dawn has written a wonderful piece below, we hope you enjoy reading it and viewing Dawns…
If any of our students are in the Suffolk area in May, Monika Cilmi, our Chinese Brush Painting tutor, is having a solo exhibition. Snape Maltings is an arts complex on the banks of the River Alde at Snape, Suffolk, U.K…
We have a request from Maud Madlyn who is looking for a student to help design a logo, poster etc for Defiant Reality Theatre. If any of our students are the successful applicant, let us know! As always the London Art College is…
Gina Maldonado is currently studying with Maggy Roberts on the Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma Course. Gina posted her illustration on our student forum for her fellow students to view and comment on. As soon as I saw it I knew it just…
We have received an email in from Shristi who is looking for a watercolourist to create a number of illustrations for a one-off book she is putting together as a gift for her husband. Shristi would like students to get…
My name is Julie Douglas and I am a professional artist and tutor and I teach for the London Art College running their Coloured Pencil Course. Last summer, I attended a workshop at the grand Central Academy, New York. As…
We asked Jan if she would email us some of her pieces of artwork for the college website and blog and she very kindly send us three lovely pieces of work below. We are so pleased that Jan has developed…
We have n unusual request for Cam Cole who is looking for a student to help create an animation or cartoon for his new music video below. If any of our students create anything, let us know! As always the…
Here is a recent piece of artwork from a student studying on our Pastels Certificate Course. The colours, textures and light here is absolutely superb, its a wonderful piece of observational drawing and we are thrilled to be able to…
Julie Ann Maguire wanted to share a little about her work and herself with our students and readers and we were delighted to share. Julie has just completed the Coloured Pencil Certificate course and we wish her every success in…
London Art College Competition in Association with Jim Pinnock Author Jim Pinnock has been in contact with us to ask if we would find an illustrator to create a front cover for his book ‘Sparrows with Vertigo’. The book was published…
Stewart Roberts, tutor for the History of Art Diploma and Follow on course Understanding 20th to 21st Century Art Diploma, sent us a photo of one of his students helping cleaning some stones in Luxor. We were very interested to hear…
Botanical Art in Coloured Pencil – New course. At last, what many people have been waiting for, an easily accessible Botanical Art course using coloured pencil, online or by postal correspondence, with the London Art College. This new course written…
Announcing the Winner of the 2014 Photography Competition Despite the recent bad weather, students managed to take some wonderful shots for the Photography Competition. We had rainbows and waterfalls, as well as some other wonderful landscapes. The quality was very…
We have received an email from Lorenzo Libutti which some of our students might be interested. Please note we are not affiliated with the company below and students take part at their own risk. ————————————————— My name is Lorenzo Libutti…
Our tutor Alan Dedman has sent us this exciting news through, if any of our students ware in London and want to take part, please read the details below. We hope that if any of our students attend they have…
Emma Allen studied on both our Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma and our follow on course in which Emma received distinctions for. Emma has continued to do well in her illustrating career and we are thrilled to share her exciting news…
2014 Photography Competition Closing Date Extended The annual photography competition has had it’s own competition with the weather this year! With only a week to go before the closing date, it has been decided to extend it by another week…
Ruth Bain’s designs for the logo brief in the Graphic Design Diploma course was a live brief and she has given the approval for us to use it on our blog. The final client choice can be seen in the…
Natalia got in touch with us to ask if we would be able to add some of her artwork to our student gallery. We were delighted to be able to add them and we took the opportunity to ask if…
We have received information Birds Eye View film Festival Poster Competition which some of our students might be interested in looking into. Please note we are not affiliated with the company below and students take part at their own risk….
We would like to thank Julie-Ann for sending us this wonderful piece of artwork for inclusion on our blog. Julie-Ann has written a small piece below to let us know how she got on with using the drafting film along…
We have received information about ‘Open Art’, which is part of Art14 – London’s Art & City programme starting soon. If any of our students attend the venues listed below, take a photo and send it to us for our…
Ursula has just passed the illustrating Children’s Books with Distinctions and tutor Maggy Roberts emailed me one of Ursula’s final pieces of artwork from the course. Its absolutely superb! I have added the full version below, along with a close…
We would like to officially congratulate Linda for passing her Portraiture painting course with Distinctions. Linda has worked extremely hard throughout the course and has learnt a lot on her journey. The self portrait below was created for the final…
This stunning piece of artwork was emailed to me for inclusion on the blog by our tutor Julie Douglas. One of her students who is studying the Drawing and Painting Diplma Course, Alla Nikolenko, created this wonderful watercolour as one…
We are pleased to announce here that Brenda who has just completed the Pet Portraits Diploma course has been awarded a Distinction and is on our honours list on our website. Brenda created some beautiful pieces of artwork throughout the…
The following post is written by one of our students Rachel Dawes who is currently studying with Vanessa Weaver on the Graphic Design in Art Diploma. We hope that you find Rachel’s post inspiring and interesting read! Congratulations to Rachel on…
We have received an email from the Donatienne Nasser, who is looking for a student to work with her. If any of our students are interested, please contact Lisa direct. As always the college is not affiliated with this offer,…
Lucy has just received her distinction for passing the Illustrating Children’s books diploma with Maggy Roberts. One of Lucy’s images are blow. We wish Lucy the best of luck in her illustrating career!
We have received an email from the Jawbone, who are looking for a student to work with them. If any of our students are interested, please contact Lisa direct. As always the college is not affiliated with this offer, student…
Please note our old student area is closing We have been using our ‘new’ student area for over two years very successfully. We are therefore going to close the old area at the end of February. This should not be…
Caroline Sexton has emailed us to ask if any of our studnets would be interested in a commission opportunity for a private commission. She is looking for 3 colour illustrations (x2 A5, approx x1 A4) directly onto a pre-prepared private greeting card…
We have received an email from the Patphucclothing, regarding designs wanted for clothing. If any of our students are interested, please contact the Patphucclothing direct. As always the college is not affiliated with this offer, student participate at their own risk. We wish…
We thought that this piece of recent artwork from one of our Coloured Pencil students would be a great way to start the new year off on our blog. Amelia has created a beautiful drawing here and we hope that…
We would like to wish our students a very Merry Christmas and a very creative 2014! Also a very special thank you to Judy Elizabeth Wilson for letting us use her superb Christmas illustration for our festive blog post this…
Jonathan Cooper has just passed the Illustrating children’s books diploma with distinctions can now be seen on our honours list >> I have added one of Jonathan’s final pieces below along with a close up detail of the illustration. We have…
Judy Elizabeth Wilson, received her certificate this week for successfully passing the Illustrating Children’s books diploma course with distinctions. Judy recently illustrated ‘The Magic Walnut’ which you can read more about below and view a few illustrations form the book…
Here is a beautiful illustration from one of our students studying with Maggy Roberts on the illustrating children’s books diploma. This is for the Row, Row, Row your boat exercise. Superb coloured pencil techniques, wonderful colours used and overall a…
Our Chinese Brush Painting Course tutor, Monika Cilmi, is going to be having a stand at this years Lavenham Christmas Craft Market in Suffolk UK. If any of our readers, or Monikas students are in the area, they are more…
Anneke, a student currently studying on the Pet Portrait Diploma course, has created a wonderful portrait for her vet of her vets dog babis. Here is Annekes story behind the portrait…. ———————————————————– This is Babis, a Kokoni (this is a…
This is a wonderful illustration from one of our students who has passed the Illustrating children’s books course with Distinctions. This illustration was also a finalist for this years London Art College Art competition. We are sure this student will…
We have two wonderful talented students who have just received distinctions for completing the Illustrating Children’s book course and the follow on course. We hope that the artwork below is inspiring to all of our budding illustrators out there! Congratulations…
We have recently updated all of our galleries on our website so pop over and take a look at the new student artwork coming through. London Art College Student Art Gallery >> Here is a brand new image from a…
Here we have some more wonderful artwork from another student on the graphic design diploma course. Helena shows some super calligraphy. The graphics course focuses on all manner of essential typographic terminology and layout options, but also includes the opportunity to…
I have some lovely examples of experimentation from a student on the graphics course to share with you. The Illustration study unit encourages students to analyse a broad range of styles and then go on to create their own interpretations….
Hi my name is Celia Carlile and I’ve just been invited to write something here about my new book ‘The Christmas Song‘. In 2010 after some unsuccessful attempts at writing and illustrating children’s picture books I went online to find…
We have received an email from the Inapub, regarding a competition being held. If any of our students are interested, please contact the Inapub direct. As always the college is not affiliated with this offer, student participate at their own risk. We wish…
We have received an email from the UKCPS, regarding a new exhibition being held. If any of our students are interested, please contact the UKCPS direct. As always the college is not affiliated with this offer, student participate at their own risk….
We have received an email from Leigh Horbury, regarding illustrating his new book. Leigh has written below, if any of our students are interested, please contact him direct. As always the college is not affiliated with this offer, student participate at their own…
My name is Margaret Orchard. I am writing this having just learnt that I have won the LAC Competition for 2013. I am absolutely thrilled to have won and would like to congratulate Alexandra for her delightful depiction of her cat…
Rachel Morrison has just started the Graphic Design Art Diploma course after already completing the Children’s Book Illustration course and currently studying its follow on course too! Vanessa Weaver, the Graphic Design tutor, emailed us a piece of Rachel’s artwork to…
An amazing story from one of our Illustrating Children’s books students Jacqui…….. ———————————————- A few years ago I was lucky to be given the London Art College Illustrating Children’s Books course by a good friend. I love working through the…
I was really over the moon to receive runner up in the LAC Competition 2013 for “Boris my Bengal” My name is Alexandra, and I live in Maidstone, Kent. I have been married to Alan, a forestry consultant, for 33…
We would like to announce this years winners for the London Art College Competition 2013… Winner – Margaret Orchard – Purple Moment. Runner up – Alexandra Riley – Boris my Bengal. We would like to officially congratulate both students on…
Each year all of the college staff and tutors get together for a yearly meeting in Bristol UK. This year was a good turnout, with only four tutors missing, we had a superb meeting which was very enjoyable and productive….
The David Shepherd Wildlife Artist of the Year 2014 is now open for entries. Please click the image below to visit their website. Contact Nina, details below, if you have any queries. Please note that the London Art College is not…
We have two pieces of typographic work to blog today from a student who is currently studying on the Graphic Design in Art Diploma course with Vanessa Weaver. Ella Chambers has put a lot of thought and time into the…
LAST DAY – enter today – your last chance!!! The London Art College 2013 competition is now open! The competition is open to all current London art college students and those who have completed since September 2012. Students may enter…
Vanessa Weaver, tutor for the Graphic Design Art Diploma course, emailed her student Carlenes artwork along with accompanying text which Carlene submitted with her work. Vanessa felt that other students would be really interested to read it on the college…
We are pleased to announce the new Pet Portraits Diploma course tutor Gayle Mason! We would all like to give a big hearty welcome to the London Art College! Gayle is a professional artists who not only accepts commissions but…
Tutor Vanessa Weaver has sent us two pieces of wonderful artwork for our blog. The artwork has been completed by Ruth who is currently studying with Vanessa on the Graphic Design Art Diploma. Vanessa has commented on her pieces which you…
We have a lovely student currently studying our Colour Awareness course who has created the montage below. I felt it was so colourful and the composition was very well designed, that it was worthy of being showcased on the college…
Gabrielle emailed me to ask if we could add her artwork to our gallery. We are always delighted to hear from our students and happy to add artwork to our student gallery at any time. Having viewed Gabrielle’s images, I emailed…
This is a wonderful piece of artwork that was created by Annemarie, a student who has just gained a distinction on our Illustrating children’s Book Diploma course with Maggy Roberts. What a happy spider to have found his forever home!…
Here are some wonderful photos a student took whilst working on the exercise ‘Row, Row, Row your Boat’ for the Illustrating Children’s Book Diploma course with Maggy Roberts. The student has produced a wonderful illustration and I have added a…
One of our Photography Diploma students has been studying the shape and form of cabbages and has taken two very interesting photos for his assignments. The droplets of water are superb, the colours are vibrant and we wish this photography…
One of my students who is currently studying the Pet Portraits Diploma Course has created the most beautiful pastel portrait of their cat. The portrait captures the soul of this little feline, the eyes have been beautifully executed and the…