Although it was only launched at the end of January this year, one keen student has recently completed the new diploma course in Illustration. Tracey Thomas, who also successfully completed the Digital Illustration with the college last year and was…
I recently self-published a children’s book with my sister Linda titled: “Bully-Proof: No Bullies Allowed.” I am a former student of Maggy Roberts (Children’s Book Illustration Course). The main characters in the book were inspired by one of my course…
I have always loved late dusk with the lights twinkling in the dark. This painting is inspired by a walk along Aberystwyth front as the light faded. I love the sea and the contrast of the happy lights to the…
This was my first portrait in any medium let alone the new one of coloured pencil, so I am delighted with how it turned out. I came across the woman selling textiles high up a mountain pass in Bhutan. She…
Welcome to this years official London Art College Competition 2015. This competition is open to all London Art College current students and those who completed since Sept 2014. Students can enter any drawing or painting that they have created to…
Victoria Edwards studied the Art in Graphic Design Diploma recently with Vanessa Weaver and this is one of the pieces Victoria created for her final study units. It combines many aspects including illustration, design, layout and type. Excellent work!
The colours used here by Senur Bicer on the Chinese Brush Painting Course are wonderful. it really looks professional and we could see this not only as an original painting hanging in a gallery but also printed on cards and merchandise…
Cherry Trapmore completed the Coloured Pencil Course along with her husband Ray and both Cherry and Ray produced some wonderful drawings during their time of the course. The textures and colours here are superb and we wish them both well…
We absolutely love this painting by Cathryn Sloane who is studying with Alan Dedman on the Colour Awareness Course. The colours are exquisite, the light and darks in the cacti really help to create a three dimensional object and the…
Elena Peres studied on our Pastels Course and created this wonderful painting of a vase of flowers. We love this! Its so happy and vibrant and it is sure to put a smile on everyones faces! Congratulations Elena on a…
Brenda Brown created this painting for the Pet Portraits Diploma Course and what a painting! It captures the viewers eye immediately. The dog feels very three dimensional and works so well with the dark background. Well done Brenda!
Elcin Ozcan studied our Pastels course and has mastered the medium beautifully. Her work is a delight to view, the light she has painted in this piece is wonderful and we never tire of seeing Elcin’s pieces. Congratulations!
Emma Hollands passed the Pet Portrait Diploma Course with flying colours and this is one of her final paintings from the course. Emma handled all of the mediums well and as you can see below excelled at the oils. The…
Josephine MacLeod is studying on the Life Drawing and Painting course and completed this very rich, bold and intense portrait for one of her study units. We love it! Keep up the great work Josephine!
Joy Deane has been studying with Vanessa Weaver on the Art in Graphic Design Diploma Course and this is one of her still life studies in pen and ink. The composition is excellent, the way that each item has been…
Emily Ashtons’ collage painting is just wonderful! Emily is studying with tutor Maggy Roberts on the Illustrating Children’s Book Diploma Course and it looks as though she is enjoying every minute. This piece is fabulous and very cleverly put together too,…
Hamzah Ahmad is studying the Landscape Diploma Course with tutor Alan Dedman and this is one of the paintings Hamzah created for his final study units. We love the peaceful and tranquil scene Hamzah has painted here, I think we would all…
This blog post needs no introduction from us, we are just left in awe at Ann’s talent and abilities. Congratulations Ann on having your artwork selected for the ‘Mouth and Foot Painting Artists’ Christmas cards. Read on to be inspired!! ——————————– I met…
Elisabeth Planella is studying with Alan Dedman on the Oil Painting course and we were immediately drawn to this piece due to the amazing bold colours and composition. We love the black outlines to the objects, it almost gives it…
We always love seeing students work from the Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma Course and Alexandra Naidoo has created the most happy and colourful montages here. There is so much going on in this summers day scene, plenty to keep children occupied!
Diane Allen painted this bluebell wood for a study unit on the Landscape Diploma Course. We love the vivid colours of the bluebells which works beautifully with the sun set colours in the sky. Excellent painting!
Elaine Hughes has been studying the Life drawing and painting course with Alan Dedman and has painted this superb painting in watercolour. We love the fresh and clean results that Elaine has created here, watercolour being one of the most…
Julia Morris has completed this wonderful painting on canvas for the Oils course with Alan Dedman. She has used an impasto technique with a pallet knife to build up her colours and textures to create not only a stunning and…
Laura Ashton has painted the most exquisite painting for one of her study units on the Botanical Painting Diploma Course. We are amazed and the amount of detail Laura has created here and im sure received very high marks form tutor Gaynor for…
Roni who is an autistic student has just finished the Cartooning Diploma Course with parental help. John Byrne said …”I think this is one of the most touching feedbacks I have received and they both richly deserve a merit diploma! A…
Tutor John Byrne has emailed us one of his recent cartoons published in a June edition of the satirical paper Private Eye. We hope this inspires Johns students. If any of Johns students have similar cartoons they would like published on…
Sarah Tait has painted this for the view through a window exercise on the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course. We love the limited colour pallet Sarah has used here, it feels very natural and calming. The texture of the wooden…
Marcela Zambrano is currently studying on the Beginners Painting Course and has been experimenting with colour, texture using paint on canvas. It is so important to experiment and we love this unique piece painted by Marcela. The colours are superb!
The winner of the London Art College Photography Competition 2015 is…… Winner – Eleanor Patrick with ‘Blue Grotto Cliffs, Malta’ The standard of photography this year was very high; this and the fact that the range of interpretation of the theme…
Kathleen Armstrong has painting this wonderfully bright and vivid flower for her Botanical Painting Diploma Course exercise. We love her watercolour techniques here and delicate painting, superb!
Tutor Alan Dedman has just launched a pop-up gallery called ‘Gallery Dedman’ which opened in Nailsea, North Somerset on Friday the 3rd of July. The show is comprised of 26 paintings, drawings, prints and an assemblage by the British artist…
Julia Gardiner is studying with Gaynor Dickeson on the Botanical Coloured Pencil Diploma Course and this is one of the studies Julia created for a study unit on the course.
Sean Cocker has portrayed a lily plant in pastels for his Drawing and Painting Diploma course. We love the dark tones of the background which allow the white of the lily flower to come forward. Excellent work!
Hello Everyone, My name is Robert McGowan and I am the creator of I did a cartooning diploma course from London Art College with tutor John Byrne circa 2011-2013. I found the course very helpful as I have always…
Sandhya Sharma is studying with Paul Weaver on the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course and this is one of the drawings that Sandhya completed for a course exercise.
Sara Sykes is studying with John Byrne on the Cartooning Diploma Course and we love this study! We hope it makes you all smile too!
Joan Cleave is currently studying the Gaynor Dickeson on the Botanical Coloured Pencil Diploma Course. Joan has rendered this lily beautifully and are are proud to show Joan’s work here on our college news blog. We look forward to seeing more…
Jay Kelly created this hilarious cartoon for a study unit exercises on her Cartooning Diploma Course with tutor John Byrne. Excellent idea and pen and ink work!
We have recently received a copy of this beautiful painting created by one of our students Paul Ward. Paul is studying with tutor Paul Weaver on the Drawing and painting Diploma Paul said… “This is a spot on a canal near the…
Calling all London Art College Students. Only two more days left to enter the photography competition. Have you entered yet? Give it a go, you never know, you might just be the lucky winner of £50 for a lovely shopping…
Jack Harding completed this watercolour study for the scene through a window exercise on the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course. We found it such a relaxing scene we just had to add it to our blog for our students to…
Pamela Zwickert has completed D11 Digital Illustration Diploma course tutored by Spencer Hill and has without doubt earned herself a distinction. She tackled every assignment with enthusiasm and pushed the technical boundaries every time to really make the most of…
Ann Russell has completed this wonderful ink and wash painting for her Chinese Brush Painting Course and we think it is superb. Tutor Monica Cilmi helps all of her students tirelessly and is a wonderful tutor. if you would like to…
Andrew Bethell is completing the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course and has created these drawings digitally. We love them. its always fantastic to experiment with any and all media available to you and these are wonderful! We hope that you…
Sabine Krappmann is one of our favourite students who studied on the Botanical Painting Diploma Course and this drawing of a leaf is no exception. Its absolutely stunning. There are some really advanced drawing techniques here, the play of light and…
Jennifer Cowen has been studying with Spencer Hill, on the D11 Digital Illustration Diploma Course. Spencer said…”Jennifer started off producing superb digital art and then just kept delivering with enthusiasm and technical aptitude. I have no hesitation recommending her for a distinction….
Janet Trotta completed this for a study unit on the Beginners Painting Course. We absolutely love it and find it a very happy painting, the colours and flowers are utterly delightful!!
For Spencer Hill, tutor for the D11 Digital Illustration Diploma Course, students who tick all the technical boxes but also demonstrate enthusiasm, commitment, progression beyond the material and engage with both Spencer and the course, earns a Distinction. Julia Feliz is one…
Amelia Whiffin has not only completed one drawing of this bird but two. one in pencil and one in coloured pencil for her Coloured Pencil Course. We often advise students to do preliminary drawings in graphite pencil before starting one…
Alka Sikka has completed this wonderful drawing for the Beginners Drawing Course. This is a very tricky subject, as it deals with the refraction between the water and pencils in the glass. Alka has handled it superbly and we are looking…
Denise Wood has completed her final assignment for D11 Digital Illustration Diploma Course, and tutor Spencer Hill, believe that her progress, enthusiasm and demonstration of the digital techniques has earned her a Distinction. We are including some of Denise’s artwork…
The college have teamed up again with author Jim Pinnock who is looking for students to create a poster for his one off plays. Jim has written a brief below. Read more about the plays and the competition, post questions and…
Tracy Marshall has just submitted this great image which we felt was completely blog worthy! She also added this to her evaluation page we I though it might be useful for other illustration students. “….I think what has developed for…
Janet Knight exceeded at the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course and we just loved her work form start to finish. Here is one of her wonderful paintings from the course – doesn’t it make you smile 🙂
Julie Ann Maguire studied with the London Art college last year. She has now developed her own website and its online for fellow students to view. We hope that this helps to inspire our students to create a website of their…
Colleen Christopher is studying on our Coloured Pencil Course and has created a fantastic still life with a glass and crushed can. both items are tricky to draw and Colleen has done a wonderful job here.
Anna Pavlova has completed this amazing portrait of a child and a toy monkey for a study unit exercise on the Coloured Pencil Course. Anna’s use of line here to describe the contours of the face and hair are superb, the…
Anita De La Hunty has created a beautiful drawing of a flower in a glass of water for the Beginners Drawing Course. This is a superb still life subject for anyone learning to draw as it not only deals with…
Alison Hughes is studying on our Coloured Pencil Drawing Course and has created this wonderful drawing of a boat and landscape scene using coloured pencils. We love Alison’s use of line, particularly in the shape and form of the boat…
Panya is one of our youngest students on the Graphic Design Art course. Her tutor Vanessa Weaver says ‘She has completed the course with a distinction as her passion for art and design is very evident.’ She has been battling…
Another cartoon by Alessandra Patania who is studying with John Byrne on the Cartooning Diploma Course. We love this one!!
This is a very interesting blog post today as we not only can post the artwork but also the photo of the still life Alan McMahon used for one of his drawings on the Coloured Pencil Course. It is superb…
Alex Hughes has been working hard through the Chinese Brush Painting Course and has produced some wonderful paintings. Here are a few of Alex’s studies of flowers, we hope you like them!
We love this sheet of faces by Alessandra Patania who is studying with John Byrne on the Cartooning Diploma Course. They really make us smile!
Al Johara Beydoun is completing the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course and this is one of his preliminary drawings in readiness for a painting. We thought it would be interesting for our students to see a piece that was in progress…
Anna Pavlova studied with tutor Julie Douglas on the Coloured Pencil Course and this is one of her drawings from the course. We really love the textured lines Anna creates in her work, she has a superb study of drawing…
Ulrike Miesen Schuermann completed the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course recently and we love Ulrike’s artwork. This study is exquisite, the colour pallet is excellent and we hope that our students and readers find it as inspiring as we do!
Joanne Taylor completed the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course with distinctions and this is one of our favourite paintings of Joanne. Truly worthy of being here on our college news blog. We know that Joanne will enjoy a very happy…
Evelyn Sichrovsky studied on the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course and created some wonderful studies while working through the exercises with her tutor. This is one of our favourites, the softness of the pencil work is stunning! We are sure that Evelyn…
Maria Kemp has been working with Alan Dedman on the Colour Awareness Course and has not only come up with a superb montage but created in using a limited pallet. Lovely design and excellent colours!
Tanya Bowles has completed this for the Colour Awareness Course, its part of a painting completed in monochrome and a limited pallet. If anyone is wondering is the back of a horse and rider! Its a superb painting and we…
Christopher Young has created the most fabulous drawing of sugar, salt and mustard for a study unit from his Beginners Drawing Course. The most simple of objects can be turned into a very interesting and three dimensional drawing – why not…
Jan Rossington has completed this wonderful painting on canvas for the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course while studying with tutor Paul Weaver. We love the colour pallet, and the play of light on this child’s face – superb!
I think we can all recognise Heath Ledgers character The Joker from the Dark Knight here, beautifully rendered by Sean Cocker for a study exercise in the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course. Superb colours and excellent likeness achieved!