What would your dream house look like? Would it be by the sea? On the side of a mountain? Hidden in some woods? What would it be made of? Would it have lots of windows? This is your chance to…
I am a student…from a distance – I’m in Seychelles. I just made my first submission for the Drawing and Painting Course. here are two pieces I have just submitted and I am looking forward to hearing feedback from my…
Welcome to our scrumptious weekend art challenge all about chocolate. It has been world chocolate day so we are celebrating chocolate of all kinds. Everyone has created some fantastic paintings including our featured image of a chocolate Flake bar by…
Maie Adoma has created a number of bird illustrations for her Chinese Brush Painting Course and we have added a few of them below. If you would like to experiment with brush painting and would like tutor support to guide…
It’s been almost a month since I enrolled in London Art College for Drawing and Painting Course. So far I am really enjoying the course. I am so grateful for the feedback I get from my tutor and also from…
This will be a fun challenge for all chocolate lovers out there! We would love for you to celebrate World Chocolate Day by creating artwork on this theme. We have added some photos below, but feel free to head to…
Welcome to this weekends art challenge where we asked our students to think about an object that means a lot to them and try to draw or paint it. It’s been a really lovely challenge as it has generated some…
Amazing paintings today by London Art College student Tess Burn, who studied the Beginners Painting Short Course with us. Isn’t her work fantastic! Especially the Apples in the featured image above and the jug, cup and egg cup still life…
London Art College student Anton McLennan completed our Beginners Drawing Course successfully. Anton’s artwork and drawing skills developed well during the course and tutor Steven Hersey was thrilled with his drawings. We have added a selection below, his pen and…
As someone who has not attempted any form of art work including drawing since I left school many years ago my main goal is to achieve the confidence to pick up a pencil and enjoy drawing. This course was a…
Welcome to our latest art challenge where we would like to to choose a favourite object of yours and draw or paint it. It doesn’t have to be a single object, it could be a collection of objects. We have…
Welcome to our latest art challenge, this was a bit of a different challenge in that we asked our students to draw or take photos of their work areas. It could be created in any format, just as long as…
I chose the view out of the living-room window as it seemed to lend itself well to the task of capturing both inside and outside the room. I really enjoyed this very much and it was on this task that…
Cerys Reese has completed the Pet Portrait Diploma Course and the images below are from her final set. Cerys said on submission… I have set up a Facebook page and have entered the Towi Artists trail where my work will…
I’d been thinking about getting back into art for a while, having done very little since I was at school (30+ years ago), and lockdown seemed like a good reason to have a go again. I’m very pleased that I…
We would love to see where you are all being creative! Perhaps you work on your kitchen table, you have a space in your dining room, or have converted a spare room in your home. You might even be lucky…
Welcome to our very stripy weekend art challenge all about Zebras! Our featured image this week is by student Jeff West and we love it! Lots of bright colours and stripes, fantastic character…a zebra that we would all like to…
Here are two beautiful paintings in watercolour by student Satoko Handa who is studying our Botanical Painting Diploma Course.
These wonderful illustrations are by London Art College student Cheryl Day on the Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma Course. They are all from the Creepy assignment, which we think are great. She has enclosed a piece which shows white pastel on…
We have received some wonderful feedback for tutor Monica Cilmi from her student Carole Malltratt. We have added some of Carole’s artwork below from her third submission. Carole said… Thank you for your feedback on my last set of work,…
Welcome to our latest art challenge and this week we are all about the stripes! Zebra stripes to be exact! We would love for you to draw or paint a zebra.. or a herd of Zebras! The choice is yours!…
Welcome to our very special weekend art challenge all about the queens Platinum Jubilee. We hope that wherever you were celebrating, you did so in style! Our students this week excelled at their paintings and drawings. Our featured image is…
Nyangoma Borg achieved distinction for her digital illustration course. Here are her final three artworks for assignment 6 to show you her incredible Vector skills. The first five assignments are created using Gimp, (Bitmap) the last is done in Inkscape. This…
Chiara has submitted this illustration for assignment 3. It’s a brilliant solution to this brief, great composition and a lovely expression on the face of young Fred the dragon. Maggy Roberts – Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma Course
So very many thanks for your feedback on my 3rd course submission – you really are very kind and I am so enjoying your Drawing with Pens Course and am so grateful that it has opened my eyes to so…
There will be year-long Platinum Jubilee celebrations throughout the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and around the world as communities come together to celebrate The Queen’s historic reign. On 6th February this year Her Majesty The Queen became the first British Monarch…
Welcome to our new art challenge results for this week and it’s all about biscuits (cookies!) It was National Biscuit day on the 29th of May so our students celebrated by creating a painting or drawing on the theme! Our…
Alan Biller has completed the Drawing and Painting course with a well deserved Distinction, a very diligent and thorough student, I’m actually sorry that he’s finished! Paul Weaver – Tutor for the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course
I have always loved Art. I took it as a subject in high school and then went on to study teaching in university. This meant I wasn’t always able to do artwork in my spare time. As I was nearing…
Naomi Dickins has submitted her fifth assignment for the Botanical Painting Art course and we have added her beautiful paintings below. Such delicate artwork, we are sure you will be as impressed as we are! Naomi said…. I have submitted…
A very special blog post today by London Art College student Elizabeth Taylor. Elizabeth has been working with tutor Alan Dedman on the Landscape Painting Diploma Course and the images below show Elizabeths four paintings created across one year of…
National Biscuit Day is celebrated on the 29th May every year in the UK. Biscuits – or cookies are a sweet treat that we as a nation absolutely love. Tea and biscuits anyone?!! From Custard Creams, Bourbons, Chocolate Digestives ….to the…
We set our students the task of creating artwork around the theme of ‘Something that they can’t live without’. We have received some amazing pieces of artwork this week. Our featured image is by student Jo Oules. We love the…
Student Elaine Jenkins created these studies while on the Beginners Painting Course. Elaine completed the beginners drawing first and then moved onto experimenting with paint which is an excellent idea. Its good to have a grounding in drawing first to…
London Art College tutor Alan Dedman, our Life Drawing and Painting Course tutor, is about to embark on a full Life Drawing day based in Suffolk UK. Students are welcome to sign up if they are in the area on…
Davina Raffaelli has been creating pen drawings on our Drawing with Pens Course. We have collated a number of her drawing studies and love them! Davina said….These pen exercises and drawings were drawn on Derwent sketching paper, Canon Bristol paper …
Congratulations to London Art College student Dinah Barker for completing and passing the Chinese Brush Painting Course with a Distinction! Dinah very kindly sent us a photo of herself with her certificate which we have added below along with some…
This weekends art challenge is a bit thought provoking. We would like you to draw, paint, illustrate or take a photo of something you cant live without. Perhaps it is someone? Whatever is at the top of your list, we…
Welcome to our latest art challenge and it was a fun one this week! A few weeks ago we asked our students to save their toilet roll or kitchen roll middles. We had a challenge that would involve them, however…
I fell for the Kohlrabi in the greengrocer’s as I was looking for an interesting vegetable to paint. I was especially drawn to the two small central leaves growing amid the other six leaves, almost reminiscent of a little forest…
London Art College student Alison Davies is currently enrolled on our Coloured Pencil Course which is currently tutored by Paul Weaver and Monica Cilmi. Alison has created three beautiful drawings for her course and we have added her boat above…
Alec Anderson created these fantastic drawings while enrolled on our young artists Drawing for Children Art Course. Alec was 10 years and 9 months old when he drew these and wrote that he felt that his drawing had improved since…
We are hoping that this challenge will be quite a light hearted one this week. We found an art challenge that people loved in lockdown on the BBC News here in the UK and we thought it was a great…
Welcome to our latest weekend art challenge where we set the students a task of doodling with their pens! What amazing and creative artwork we have received. Our feature image this week is by Priscilla Hocking, a very clever and…
Sam Wright created the pastel painting of dogs Archie and Jenson for her final assignment on the Pet Portrait Diploma Course. Read Sam’s introduction the painting below, along with seeing her preliminary design mockups in photoshop. I asked my friends…
My name is Denise Harvey and I have just completed the Drawing and Painting Diploma with Paul Weaver. I was drawn to this course because for much of my life I believed that I couldn’t draw or paint, but I…
I absolutely enjoyed this course. This approach in painting, in my opinion, is not about technique but honesty and connection with your true self. Taking this course really helped me to understand one of the most challenging seasons in my…
This weeks challenge is a bit different. All students must have access to a ball point pen! We would like to you go and find one of any colour, blue, black or red and see if you can draw a…
Our weekend art challenge this week was to draw or illustrate a bear character. There were plenty fo choose from, or alternatively students could make up their own! We have received some fantastic pieces of artwork, including a superb Rupert…
The coloured pencil course has been so enjoyable and has really boosted my confidence. I am planning on doing the pastel course in August once I have passed my driving test and cannot wait to be Monika’s student again.
My family lives on a farm, and we’ve had chickens for around six years, so when I saw that the Illustration assignment was to illustrate chickens, I knew I wanted to play around a bit with their characterization. In my…
I’m super honoured that Mrs Roberts (Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma) wants my Fred on the Blog! Now, I saw what my course mate have done on the blog in previous occasion, and they all provided lovely draft and nicely worded…
This weekends art challenge should be one that everyone will adore. We would like you to draw or illustrate a bear character. There are lots to choose form, here are a few to get you started. Winnie the Pooh, Paddington,…
Welcome to our weekend challenge set on the theme of Earth Day…. on Earth Day! It was not an easy challenge and it really made our students think outside the box. They all did brilliantly! Our feature image this week…
“I didn’t think I had any drawing ability, though the Beginners Drawing Course showed that I was able to learn. Building on this during the Coloured Pencil Course under Monika’s guidance I have continued to improve and gain confidence. The…
Tutor Maggy Roberts has alerted us to the most beautiful illustration from a student on her Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma Course. Rawan has completed their first set and you can see the college illustration below. Maggy said… Here is a…
Student Gwen Mackie has created some excellent brush painting studies which we are pleased to display here on our blog today. Gwen enrolled on the Brush Painting Course as well as the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course and is getting…
It all starts with colour. #ItStartsWithColour All students receive 20% off Chromaflow Pencil Collection Fine art brand Derwent is launching the Chromaflow Pencil collection, with an extended range of 12, 24, 36, 48 and 72 pencils sets. All Chromaflow Pencil…
Today is Earth Day. Every year, more than a billion people celebrate Earth Day to protect the planet from things like pollution and deforestation. By taking part in activities like picking up litter and planting trees, everyone is making our world…
Welcome to our latest art challenge – and what an eggcelent challenge it was! We asked our students to paint an actual egg for easter, if they were unable to paint an egg, a painting of an egg would work…
Student Rebecca Ali has been creating some beautiful botanical artwork on our Botanical Painting Diploma. Her colour swatches are even stunning, they could be framed and displayed! We have added two of Rebecca’s paintings along with some text about each…
Student Jane Tivey completed the Pastel Painting course and these are just a selection from her later assignments. We have added some text to go along with each painting for students to read about the artwork and find out which…
I can’t even believe that time has flown by so fast and I’ve already completed my Drawing and Painting Diploma Course. I never considered myself particularly talented in drawing and painting, nor did I think it would ever interest me….
Welcome to a slightly different Easter challenge, which we hope will be fun. If you have kids or grandkids, why not get them involved too! Fun for all the family! We are setting our students the task of painting an…
Welcome to our most recent challenge where we set the students quite an open challenge this week, to paint or draw anything they liked under the heading of Lush Green. We thought it would be a wonderful springlike challenge. The…
I loved doing the Children’s Illustration Follow on course, it gave me an opportunity to learn about creating storyboards and dummy books, as well as giving me time to experiment with many different mediums. Before I started the courses, I…
I started the course with London Art College whilst I was working as a teacher and had two small children at home. The flexibility of the course was what at first appealed to me. I could take my time and not…
Student Lynn Carter has created some beautiful paintings for her Drawing and Painting Diploma. We love her self portrait, it is just simply stunning. Her paintings below are accompanied by note written by Lynn and we really hope that you…
Spring has arrived here in the UK and it’s nearly Easter. We thought a lovely spring like challenge would be to set our students the task of painting something Lush Green! As long as the predominant colour is a lovely…
Welcome to our latest weekend art challenge. As we are nearing Easter, we thought it would be a great idea to get our students to draw or paint rabbits this week. Could also have been hares too! We have received…
Rene Mansilla has created some amazing artwork whilst working on our Beginners Drawing Course. We have added a selection below, her work is absolutely beautiful. we hope that you find her drawings inspirational. Read Rene’s text to go along side…
A wonderful selection of artwork from student Heidi Seal who created these while working on our Coloured Pencil Course. We love the attention to detail Heidi has created in each drawing, particularly the first image below with the texture on…
Cuteness overload today! We would love our students to paint, draw, mosaic, digitally draw or photograph a rabbit… or rabbits! The choice is yours, be creative! We cant wait to see them, have fun and enjoy!!
Welcome to our weekend art challenge results on the fun theme of Alice in Wonderland! Our students definitely had fun with this one and our featured image this week is by London At College student Melissa Lemon. Scroll to the…
I really enjoyed drawing this mug and spoon task on the first assignment for the Coloured Pencil Course. It was really challenging at times to get the ellipses right so that the mug looked more realistic. It took me 2hrs…