Category: Student Artwork

These posts show student artwork from our Online Art Courses and the artwork that students produce while working on them. Learning how to paint or draw, graphic design, colour theory, Chinese brush painting, history of art …and more!

Linda Brughera

Three amazing coloured pencil drawings today by student Linda Brughera who created these whilst studying on the Coloured Pencil drawing course. We know that our readers will thoroughly enjoy viewing each drawing of Linda’s and we hope that you find…

Judith Legg

My name is Judith and I am studying the Landscape Course with tutor Alan Dedman. For this exercise I choose to paint the now disused railway station in the village of Aberlour, Moray. I felt the long building and platform…

Ethne Dian

Superb illustrations by London Art College student Ethne Dian who is studying the Children’s illustration course with tutor Maggy Roberts. Ethne’s artwork for the Row, Row Row your boat assignment is stunning and we have added a few close up…

Teresa Vivas

Student Teresa Vivas submitted her set three artwork to tutor Monika Cilmi for the Chinese Brush Painting Course. Monika was thrilled with the artwork and the way that Teresa has presented it all. We asked Teresa if it would be…

Charlie Leith

It has been a pleasure to view and critique Charlie’s work and see her progress throughout the Graphic Design Art course.  The final stages of the course follow individual design disciplines and here are Charlie’s responses to the poster and…

James Hutton

These amazing illustrations are from James Hutton’s first assignment on the Illustration Diploma course. They are all based on song lyrics. I think they are great, and they show a real sophistication in skill and imagination.Steven HerseyIllustration Diploma Tutor I…

Alicia Van Wyk

These stunning pieces of artwork are by student Alicia Van Wyk from her final assignment on the Illustration Diploma Course. Tutor Steven said…I have recommended a Distinction for Alicia for this and her previous projects. I think these are wonderful…

Susi Sanlier

I have just finished the diploma course “Illustrating Children´s Books” which I enjoyed a lot. Being a mum of four I have always been very interested in children´s books and now I can finally start writing and illustrating my own…

Elizabeth Kelly

Two very delicate paintings today by London Art College student Elizabeth Kelly who is studying the Chinese Brush Painting Course.

Mahua Pal

Three amazing oil paintings today by student Mahua Pal who created these whist working on the Oil Painting Course. The colours Mahua has used in each painting are wonderful, the warm orange tones make each painting very inviting. We hope…

Ailsa Chapman

Ailsa Chapman recently enrolled on our Botanical Coloured Pencils Course. Tutor Ida was thrilled to receive her latest submission. Ailsa said on enrolment… ‘My ambition is to produce work which is of a high enough standard to be accepted by…

Michael Van Der Roost

Michael Van Der Roost created these studies on the portrait course with tutor Alan Dedman. In the superb study below Michael chose to add detail in the face and hands allowing the jumper of the sitter to have far less…

Jean-Christophe Castera

We have a stunning painting today by Landscape Diploma student Jean-Christophe Castera. His painting is full of light along with cool colours in the sky and road. This allows the warm tones of the buildings to ‘pop’ where the sun…

It’s competition time again!!

It’s that time of year again! We have officially opened this years London Art College Art Competition. Students can submit any drawing or painting they have completed – one entry per student. First prize is £200 second prize is £100…

Oksana Lupych

Oksana Lupych is currently taking the Oil painting course with tutor Alan Dedman and has produced three superb paintings of fruit in different colours and a very unique style. Oksana said…. I am from Ukraine. Oksana is very popular traditional…

Katja Felbel

For this section of my assignment I decided to work on a guinea pig. Maybe I should have done more movement for the comic version of it. For his bird friend I came up with a budgie. I thought they…

Judith Legg

This painting is of Boddam lighthouse in Aberdeenshire. I found painting only as far as your field of vision challenging because it was all too easy to move your eye or head to see beyond the spot you had focused…

Sharron Watson

I can only say that during this course I’ve become somewhat inspired. I’ve taken on subjects that I would never even have attempted before. I tend to be very critical of my work and it’s been a joy to receive…

Lynn Stuart-James

Lynn has completed the Chinese Brush Painting course and passed successfully with a Distinction! We have added some of Lynn’s artwork from her final set below and we hope you enjoy viewing them. Lynn said.. It does not seem possible…

Jutta Kris

Student Jutta Kris has worked really hard on the Drawing and Painting Diploma course and passed with a Distinction! Tutor Paul Weaver was thrilled and delighted with each set Jutta submitted and we have added a lovely selection of her…

Judith Legg

This painting is of the River Ythan and the trees on the bank as it runs through the town of Ellon. I enjoyed painting the trees and using different brushes and strokes to try to differentiate between the different types…

Sue McAuley

Sue Macauley has passed the Drawing and Painting Diploma with flying colours and has been awarded a well deserved Distinction! Tutor Paul Weaver was thrilled with her work and has expressed his delighted at Sue doing so well on the…

Matteo Sammaruga

Pastel Painting student Matteo Sammaruga has submitted some wonderful abstract work for his pastel course and we have added it below. Tutor Monica said… “Well done Matteo. You have done a great job and your progress is fantastic. Also being…

Nur Baiyina Bahari

Nur Baiyina Bahari has completed her Illustration course with tutor Steven Hersey receiving a distinction. Some of Nur’s final project can be seen below. Steven was delighted with each image and the concept and said…. Superb. Utterly delightful and beautiful…

Gerald Mckenna

A very bold and stunning piece today by student Gerald Mckenna who is currently working on the Beginners Drawing course with tutor Monica Cilmi. We love it and hope you do too!

Maria Ei Zar

A beautiful watercolour painting today from Maria Ei Zar – ‘Pears in a Glass Bowl’. Maria has a very light touch when it comes to painting in watercolour. Her many delicate layers of fresh colours used to create each pear…

Alicia Van Wyk

Tutor Steven Hersey was thrilled to receive Alicia’s fifth assignment for her Illustration Course and said that it was ‘outstanding artwork’. He asked if it could be added here for students to view. Alicia was delighted for it to be…

Tutor Paul Weaver

2 AWARDS AT PATCHINGS ART FESTIVAL 2019 I’m delighted to announce that my watercolour ‘Underfall Boat Yard, Bristol’ has received 2 awards at this year’s exhibition and competition in ‘The Artist’ Professional category at the Patchings Art Centre in Nottingham.  I’ve always…

Jo Allsop

Today’s post is by a student who completed her course in 2001. We hope that our students and readers find it inspiring!! ————————– Jo Allsopp is a self-taught artist from Leicestershire who owns Sable Studio Gallery which is nestled in…

Natasha Griffiths

My name is Natasha Griffiths and I am studying Digital Illustration with tutor Monique. I’m normally a traditional pet portrait artist, pen and paper but I’ve always been really interested in digital art. This Dachshund was my first attempt at…

Nemu Abe

Nemu Abe has just reached the finishing line of the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course with a Distinction! Nemu is very talented and produced some excellent work throughout the course. Take a look at some of her work below. We wish…

Julia Meekin

My name is Julia Meekin and I have just completed the Pastel Painting course with tutor Monika Cilmi. From time to time over the years, I have found time every so often to practice art, mostly in watercolors.   I bought…

Elena Peres

Today we have a lovely selection of artwork from Elena Peres, a student who completed our Pastels Course. Elena was able to experiment with a variety of subjects, colours and genres on the pastel course. You can too! Why not…

Emma Jane Rosenberg

Student Emma Jane Rosenberg completed the Pet Portraits Course and has created some absolutely superb pieces as you can see below. A lot of work has gone into each and every painting. We particularly like the cat pastel below, with…

Julie Noonan

Tutor Vanessa weaver asked if we would share student Julie Noonan’s logo design from one of her assignments. It is an idea for a charity, although it’s not an actual brief, the company does exist and the student decided to…

Satoko Handa & Naomi Dickens

Todays blog post has been written by our lovely Botanical Painting Tutor, Polly O’Leary. Satoko Handa has drawn a Tulip leaf for one of her Botanical Coloured Pencil assignments.  It’s a lovely sensitive drawing and I was delighted to receive…

Robert Kidner

Two stunning pieces today by student Robert Kidner who has just completed the Drawing with Pens Course. Tutor Monica Cilmi was thrilled with his results and you can see one of his stunning drawings below. Well done Robert!!

Sharron Watson

Here is a beautiful coloured pencil drawing by student Sharron Watson studying with Monika on the Coloured Pencil Drawing Course. Sharron said – The ‘scrap’ challenge. I’m afraid living on a narrow boat we don’t have much in the way…

Lucinda Gabriel

Lucinda Gabriel has submitted a lovely cartoon for a character to represent Equal Opportunities. This is a difficult topic to design for, as it needs to represent people from all walks of life. Lucinda wrote this to support her idea…….

Ron Torn

Student Ron Torn has been creating some amazing coloured pencil drawings whilst working on our Coloured Pencil Drawing Course. Tutor Monika Cilmi was absolutely delighted to receive them and feels Ron is doing excellently in his assignments. We hope that…

Leonie Schottler

A wonderful set of work and testimonial from completed student Leonie Schottler who has just passed the Drawing and Painting course with flying colours. Congratulations on your distinction! Hi Paul, Thank you for your encouraging last critique, the good wishes…

Robert Kidner

Student Robert Kidner has produced some stunning pen and ink work whilst working on the Drawing with Pens course with tutor Monika Cilmi. If students are interested in joining our course, take a look at our course page on our…

Monika Cilmi

Tutor Monica Cilmi has been involved in a wonderful project and we are thrilled to be able to share it here for our students to read. The project is called Elmer’s Big Suffolk Parade organised by Wild in Art in…

Phoebe Sayer

We have a lovely gallery of artwork by young student Phoebe Sayer. We love all of her pieces and it is especially lovely to see the progression and stages in her drawing of her dragon and monster. We hope you…

Weekend Challenge – Corner of your room – your art area perhaps!

We would love for you to draw or paint the corner of your room. It can be any room in your home that you find interesting. What about portraying your art room or art area where you create all of…

Heather Marshall

Heather Marshall has created the amazing illustrations below for an assignment on her Illustration course. As you can see she has designed the characters for a book, created a storyboard and full double page spreads of each character. We hope…

Natalie Hodges

Pet Portrait Student Natalie Hodges has very interestingly created two portraits of the same spaniel in two different mediums. This can be a helpful experiment if you are unsure what your final painting might look like in different mediums. Natalie…

Sue Evans

Student Sue Evans has created some lovely drawings for her Portraiture assignments. This set of work concentrated on pencil sketching, drawing in a sketchbook and studying hands, feet, faces and poses in a setting. Sue’s drawings of her hands below…

Barbara McEnery

Beginners Drawing Course student Barbara McEnery has submitted some wonderful pencil studies for one of her sets of assignments. Each drawing has been drawn and observed beautifully. Barbara’s pencil techniques are excellent and her shading is coming along very well….

Galina Arthur

Two paintings today by student Galina Arthur who created them for her assignments on the Portrait Painting Course. Galina has captured the little girl in both paintings beautifully. We hope you like them too.

Brenda Brown

We absolutely love this painting by Pet Portrait student Brenda Brown. So much work has gone into this, lots of lovely details and each element has been painted beautifully. Top marks to Brenda!

Pooja Rajesh

Our young student Pooja Rajesh has drawn two lovely drawings for his Drawing for Children course. Aren’t they wonderful! Pooja is learning to note the shadows on the ground from objects. Also learning how to not the highlights and shadows…

Carolina Crespo Gutierrez

Student Carolina Crespo Gutierrez is working with tutor Alan Dedman on the Oil Painting course. The three painting below were completed for her recent course assignments and we love them. The blue colour Carolina has used for the first flower…

Tony Salt

Student Tony Salt has created two incredible paintings for his Watercolour course. Tony’s wet in wet washes are beautiful, particularly the way Tony has allowed the blue and greys of the sky to flow down the paper, it gives a…

Rhea Wilson-Wright

Very though provoking painting today from student Rhea Wilson-Wright who is studying on the Digital Illustration course.

Tetyana Dunmall

Beautiful painting today by student Tetyana Dunmalln on the Drawing and Painting Diploma course. Tetyana has been able to create a lot of depth in her painting and she has allowed the dark shadowed areas behind to really bring out…

Fiery Fred!

We have lots of lovely illustrations today from our students on the Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma Course. This assignment is to create an illustration of a young dragon who accidentally sets a cottage on fire. We love that fact that…

Raquel Espinoza

My name is Raquel Espinoza and I have just completed my course with the London Art College. It has been a very fulfilling journey. I studied Graphic Design in my country, Peru, and have a technical degree. However, I always…

Peter Barnett

Peter Barnett first enrolled on our Painting and Drawing course and was awarded a Distinction. Peter has now enrolled on our Oil Painting course and this is one of the paintings from the first set of assignments. We are absolutely…

Brenda O’Brine

Amazing painting today by Drawing and Painting Diploma student Brenda O’Brine. We love it!

Ethne Dian

Tutor Steven Hersey has just completed a final assessment for student, Ethne Dian on the Illustration Diploma Course. Steven said that Ethne’s work has been outstanding throughout the course and she has been awarded a Distinction. A few examples of…

Claire D’arcy

Two wonderful illustrations today by LondonArt College student Claire D’arcy who is studying with tutor Maggy Roberts on the Illustrating Children’s Diploma Course. We love the full colour illustration in particular and have added some close up details for students…

Roseana Mayumi

Monika Cilmi, who tutors the Beginners Drawing Course, sent one of her students artwork for inclusion on the blog. We were thrilled to see Roseana Mayumi’s drawings which are so beautiful and delicate. Coincidentally Roseana had drawn a pot plant…

Paul Weaver Exhibition

If students are anywhere near Westonbirt, about 3 miles southwest of the town of Tetbury, Gloucestershire, tutor Paul Weaver is having an exhibition! Opening this Friday, it will be in The National Arboretum and all students welcome if they can…

Mary Nolan

Tutor Paul Weaver was extremely pleased with one of his students and wanted us to include her work on our showcase blog. Paul Said… “Mary has just finished the course with a DISTINCTION which is good news. I attach some…

Martina Zielinska

Martina Zielinska who is studying on our Illustration Children’s Books Diploma and the Follow on Course too. This illustration is from the Spooky poem assignment. We love the scared dog under the bed. Can you spot him?!

Ivana Lieskovska

Some beautiful work today by student Ivana Lieskovska who is studying on our Pastels Course. Ivana said… My “idols” are Cuong Nguyen and Vicente Romero – their artworks are so realistic, fragile and steady in their handwriting that you can…

Geraldine Ryan

A beautiful poppy painting from a past student called Geraldine Ryan. Geraldine emailed to ask if we would be happy to add her work on our blog. We were delighted! Geraldine said…. “I did the Diploma course in Botanical Watercolour….

James Alexander

Wonderful coloured pencil drawing today by student James Alexander who is studying with tutor Monika Cilmi on our Coloured Pencil Drawing course. Such a lovely drawing, lots of detail and a lovely autumnal limited pallet too.

Charlie Leith

Charlie Leith has written a wonderful analysis of some logo designs and we felt it would be very interesting for students to read. We hope that you enjoy it! My first selection of logos are well known brands in the…

Nicola Schofield

This beautiful illustration is by Illustration student Nicola Schofield. It is from her Assignment 2 work, based on the poem: “The Seeker”. Tutor Steven said …“I think this is a delightful and skilful image with a great feel to it….

Jane Walker

Here is a whole book layout plan from student Jane Walker who is studying on the Illustrating Children’s Book follow on course. Maggy Roberts was thrilled with Jane’s layout and asked for it to be shown both here and on…

Christine Emery

Here is some stunning artwork by student Christine Emery from the Botanical course in Coloured Pencil. She has created some beautiful and delicate work while capturing the essence of her subject. Tutor for the course, Ida Mitrani was thrilled when…

Ana Munoz Munoz

Ana Munoz Munoz is currently taking the Chinese Brush painting Course with Monika Cilmi. Read about her work and click the images below to see them in full. “Since I started to paint, ink was my first “colour”: cheap, immediate,…

Maria Ei Zar

Artwork by student Maria Ei Zar….. Delightful – Watercolor 11 x 14 inchesI love glass pot and love flowers. Most of my drawing reference upon my own still life or photos.But sometimes I have no real model to draw what…