Author: London Art College

Julie Ann Maguire – Gone Crabbin’

Former London Art College student, Julie Ann Maguire is delighted to share the wonderful news that her drawing, Gone Crabbin’ has been selected for the 16th UKCPS Annual Open Exhibition at the Menier Gallery in London. This will be her…

Jane Tivey – Coloured Pencil Course

My name is Jane Tivey. After breaking my wrist a couple of years ago I couldn’t seem to get going again with my drawing and painting – particularly as it doesn’t seem to be quite the same as before! Especially…

Rachel Duffield – Fears and Tears

Fears and tears – but highly recommended! I’ve recently submitted my first two pieces for the Children’s Book Illustration course with Maggy Roberts. The last time I submitted artwork for judging was when I did my a-levels over twenty years…

Julie Hollinshead

My name is Julie Hollinshead and I am taking the Coloured Pencil Course with the London Art College. I picked up coloured pencils a few years ago to do pet portraits after purely doing them in acrylics. I am doing…

Michelle Caitens – Illustration

Tutor Maggy Roberts has sent us another lovely illustration from one of her students. Michelle has created a superb watercolour illustration of an elephant doing a hand stand with a bird. We know that children would absolutely love this image and we…

Mel Mollum – Horse portraits

My name is Mel Mollum and I am taking the Pet Portrait Diploma Course. The final piece for set 3 is now complete and I did struggle with it!  I’ve never used oils for a more realistic picture and I certainly…

Elisa Orchard – Pet Portrait Course

Elisa Orchard is currently working through our Pet Portrait Diploma Course tutored by gale Mason. Elisa has sent us her pastel portrait of a horse for us to add on the blog. We are delighted to add it here for our…

Rosalind Moll – Landscape Diploma

Rosalind Moll has now completed her final set of work for her Landscape Diploma and we are thrilled to add three of her final paintings here on the blog. Rosalind has said about the caravan piece. ….I found this old…

Alan’s Crowd Funding….

The Collective London is a digital marketing agency based on Roseberry Avenue, EC1 – central London. They have kindly agreed to host a view by appointment show of Alan Dedman’s latest artworks. The exhibition will include traditional, classically formed pieces…

Edward Javier – Day 4 – Developing Drawing skills for painting

We hope that you have been enjoying following along with student Edward Javier (Oil Painting Art Course)on his journey with oils and watercolour. Todays final instalment is with charcoal and his final piece is absolutely stunning. Congratulations Edward on a fantastic…

Edward Javier – Day 3 – Using watercolours to revise your understanding of working with oils

Edward has now move on to working with watercolour for his still life setup and you can follow his progress below along with seeing his final painting. Materials Pencil(Burnt Umber colour) Cup to hold water A4 Watercolour paper Watercolour paints…

Edward Javier – Day 2 – Light and how we see colour

If you have been following along, yesterday we showed Edwards Javier’s colour wheel step by step. Today we are following his oil painting which fits with the exercise ‘Light and how we see colour’. Edward is currently taking the oil…

Edward Javier – Day 1 – Colour Wheel

Oil Painting student Edward Javier has completed set three of his course and emailed the most wonderful PDF of his step by steps and his process. We are going to split Edwards submission over the next few days so that…

Alex Hughes – Painting Birds

Chinese brush painting student Alex Huges has been practicing painting birds as you can see from his illustrations below. Tutor Monika Cilmi has been helping with advice and guidance while Alex has been working through the course. We have also…

Prabir Sarkar – Logo Designs

Prabir Sarkar has created three excellent logo designs for an assignments on the Graphic Design in Art Course tutored by tutor Vanessa Weaver. If you are on our graphic design course, why not drop us a line so we can…

Elaine Hughes – Life Drawing

Two lovely drawings from life today from student Elaine Hughes. Elaine studied on our Life Drawing and Painting course and we love these two studies. Each line has been carefully thought out and placed, along with a few simple lines for shading….

Joanne Lindley – Watercolour landscape / seascape

Joanne Lindley is currently studying the Watercolour Diploma Course and below are some snippets of her recent painting of a landscape and seascape based in Australia. I chose a personal photo from a trip I did last year along the Great…

Yolande Anderson – Cartooning

Love him or hate him…I think we can all tell who this is a cartoon of. Its fantastic, congratulations Yolande Anderson, on a achieving superb likeness!

Kathleen Armstrong – Botanical Painting

A very colourful painting to end the week on! Student Kathleen Armstrong, studying our Botanical Painting Course, has used some beautiful colours and created a very smooth texture here. We hope you like it too!

Colour Mixing – Learning To Paint

In general, most professional artists create colour mixing charts for their paintings.  It enables artists to be thoroughly familiar with their colours and helps them to learn which colours mix well and which colours perhaps don’t. It can also be…

Barbara Knight – Learn To Draw Short Course

Barbara Knight has created three fantastic drawings while studying our Learn to Draw short course. We love her still life drawing in particular. Do you struggle with your drawing abilities? Why not head over to our website and take a…

Edward Javier – Still Life in Oils

My name is Edward Javier and I am studying the Oil Painting Course with tutor Alan Dedman. Here is a step by step of my latest painting. I have picked still life for this exercise. Below is my setup…. Materials A4…

Magda Grabek – Row, Row, Row…

A wonderful illustration to start the week by Children’s Illustrator student Magda Grabek. Magda introduced herself to Maggy below…. My name is Magda and I’m 31 years old. 3 years ago I graduated as an art teacher, however I’ve never worked…

Anne Boland – Watching You!

I’m sure there are going to be many ‘Wows’ when our readers and students view this post. This painting is by Anne Boland and we think it should be called ‘Watching You’. The model is intently looking at us and it really…

Alison Smallwood – Study of Trees

Two lovely pieces of artwork today from student Alison Smallwood who is studying trees on the Watercolour Diploma Course.

Elizabeth Alexander – Sink City

Elizabeth Alexander is currently taking our Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma and this is her Sink City artwork. Elizabeth explains to maggy how she created the illustration and her though process behind it.We think its a fantastic idea and illustration – Congratulations Elizabeth….

Aisha Mussawa – Collection of Coursework

Aisha Mussawa is a student currently studying both our Drawing and Painting Diploma and Cartooning Diploma. Here is a collection of Aisha’s artwork and some text about them. My name is Aisha Mussawa and I am from Saudi Arabia. I have…

Yolanda Twivey – Coloured Pencil Conkers

Yolanda Twivey studied our Coloured Pencil Course and completed a few years ago. We are revisiting her amazing coloured pencil drawing of conkers as it still remains to this day one of our favourite coloured pencil studies. Her use of…

Caitlin’s Teddy…

Young artist Catlin, who is studying our Drawing for Children Course…steals the show today! Isn’t this wonderful!

Yvonne Ryves – Coloured Pencil Bottle

Here we have a coloured pencil drawing of a bottle and a wine glass by Yvonne Ryves. We find that its quite often helpful for our students to see artwork and the photo of the objects that the student has worked…

Seana Kozar – Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma

Maggie has emailed us a wonderful illustration to add to the blog today, by student Seana Kozar. Seana Said… For the black-and-white texture piece I created a helter-skelter from an Arial bottle. We didn’t have helter-skelters in Canada, so I decided…

Tutor Alan Dedman – Collective London

London Art College tutor Alan Dedman is preparing for an exhibition of paintings and drawings (Contemporary Art) from Somerset to central London, during May 2017. Alan Needs You! The Collective London, has generously offered to host a view-by-appointment show of…

Edward Javier – Oil Painting Course

Edward Javier is currently working on our Oil Painting Course under the guidance of professional oil painter and tutor Alan Dedman. The object of this exercise was to paint a view across an interior, through a door or window and…

Mel Newing – collars & dog tongues!

My name is Mel Newing and I am currently studying the Pet Portraits Diploma Course tutored by Galye Mason.  The studies below are for Assignment 4 and I have added a work in progress and the final photo of the…

Paul Ward – Figures

Below is new oil painting that I am particularly pleased with. Having always shied away from figures this is my second attempt in the Landscape Painting Diploma course. I think it captures the mood and cold of the day and hopefully…

Jatinder Ghataora – Cartooning Artwork

Jatinder Ghataora has recently completed our Cartooning Diploma Course and Jatinder chats below about a few of the pieces completed for the course. Captain America: My niece wanted a picture of a friend in a Captain America costume. She sent me…

Hilde Orye – Botanical Painting

Shevaun Doherty, our very talented tutor for the Botanical Painting Diploma Course, has received these fabulous paintings from one of her students, Hilde Orye. Hilda is experienced in drawing and painting however is just beginning to use watercolour. ​Aren’t they wonderful? These are for…

Agathe Morisse – Illustrating Children’s Books

My name is Agathe Morisse and I am currently taking the Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma Course with Maggy Roberts. Here are the first submissions I sent to Maggy over the week-end. I’m waiting for her feedback. Exciting and scary at the…

Maria Lusser – Beginners Drawing Course

My name is Maria Lusser and I am currently taking the Beginner’s Drawing Course tutored by Monika Cilmi.  As part of the course students are asked to submit drawings with increasing complexity and difficulty made with different media such as…

Julie Douglas’s New BOOK!

Julie Douglas was a tutor for London Art College for six years, teaching several courses including Coloured Pencil, and the Drawing & Painting Diploma courses. After great pressure from her students, Julie has written a book on drawing and painting,…

Daphne Wright – Painting Portraits

Daphne Wright, who is working on our Portrait Painting Art Course, has created a preparatory study along with a finished watercolour painting for one of her exercises. We love the feel that Daphne has created within this piece. The expression she has achieved has a…

Alison Owen – Photography Course

Alison Owen has taken two beautiful photographs which we have added below. Alison is currently working on the Photography Diploma Course with Rona Cox. These photographs each deal with very different subjects and techniques. If you are struggling with your photography, why…

Artemis Rigas – Learning to Draw

We have a lovely collection of drawings for today blog post by student Artemis Rigas who is working on the Learn to draw course. Artemis has been experimenting with light and shade, tonal variations, creating texture with his range of graphite…

Elisabeth Planella – Oil painting

Elisabeth Planella, studying our oil painting course,  has created a very realistic painting of her art materials. It has been very well rendered using oil paints and the colours Elizabeth has used are superb. The main colours used here are…

Beata Mostowska – Just the right home…

Congratulations Beata Mostowska on creating a superb illustration for the study ‘Just the right home’ on our Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma!

Nicola Drake – Still Life

Today’s blog post is really interesting as it not only shows Nicola Drakes final painting but we can also show her preliminary study. Nicola is studying our Still Life Course and the object here was to experiment with neutral tones. Nicola has…

Belinda Cullen – Watercolour!

Student Belinda Cullen has create the most wonderful watercolour painting which you can see below. We love the way that Belinda has created very soft wet in wet washes using a limited pallet.  Belinda has also utilised the light of…

Fiona Levings – Children’s Illustration Course

This fantastic illustration was created by student Fiona Levings. Maggy Roberts sent this over to the office along with Fiona’s comments about her Illustration. This has made us all laugh and we are thrilled to be able to share it with…

Shuddhodhan Mane

An excellent watercolour study for todays post by Portrait Course student Shuddhodhan Mane. We love the bold strokes and vivid colours, they make for a very three dimensional portrait. The skin tones have a wonderful warm glow. We also appreciate the…

Mike Foley 42781 cp

Below is a superb drawing by Coloured Pencil Course student Mike Foley. He has achieved excellent lighting within this scene. The use of bright / light colours and dark shadows and tones on the foreground branch, really exudes a summery feel. Possibly a…

Galina Arthur Portraiture Painting Online Art Course

Galina Arthur produced some amazing artwork while studying on the Portraiture Painting Diploma Online Art Course. These two paintings in acrylics show Galina working and practicing with the medium along with experimenting with colour for skin tones and clothing. Texture…

Monique Bailey – Distinction!

Monique Bailey who studied with our fantastic tutor Spencer Hill on the Digital Illustration Diploma Course, has received her diploma. She was awarded a distinction for her superb artwork and achievements throughout the course. Monique had a photograph taken of her…

Burcu Alisan – Illustrating Children’s Books

Tutor Maggy Roberts has sent through another of her students pieces of artwork for inclusion on our blog. It is a wonderful illustration from student Burcu Alisan, who is studying our Illustrating Children’s books Course. Burcu said… With this course I am…

Charlotte Kaill – Illustrating Children’s Books

My name is CharlotteKaill and I am currently taking a course with the London Art College. I am half way through my Children’s Book Illustration course with Maggy Roberts and i’m loving it. It has helped me imagine characters and stories…

Briony Dixon – Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma

Here is a fantastic scary poem illustration created by London Art College student Briony Dixon. Briony is currently working towards her diploma on one of our most popular courses – Illustrating Children’s Books Online Art Course. The course is tutors…

Zlati Peneva – Photography Diploma

Zlati Peneva has been working through our Photography Diploma Course with professional photographer and tutor Rona Cox. Zlati has taken this amazing photo and we thought it was the perfect photo to help encourage and inspire our students to pick up…

A big welcome to Jarnie Godwin

We would like to officially welcome Jarnie Godwin as a new tutor to our team. She will be running our Botanical Painting course. Jarnie has written a very interesting introduction to herself and her work below and we hope you enjoy…

Student Angela Watson…..

My Journey Continued… Note: In June 2016 I wrote the blog post Illustrating Children’s Books for the London Art College. You may wish to read that first as this follows on from there. If anyone does read it, I would…

Emily Miller – Tribute to Richard Adams

My name is Emily Miller and I am a student with the London Art College. This is my tribute to Richard Adams who died at the end of last year. Watership Down was such a big part of my childhood,…

Pam Cherry – Still Life

Student Pam Cherry has been busy! Her paintings below of varying objects for her still life projects are coming along very well. Each object has been painting beautifully, particularly the texture of the bears jumper in the second painting. If can…

Sufia Rahman – Painting Portraits

A fantastic piece of artwork for this Monday morning! This pastel portrait was created by student Sufia Rahman who is studying on our portraiture painting course. We love the way Sufia has rendered the top of the head and forehead…

Childrens Illustration – Charlotte Kaill

We have been sent a wonderful illustration from tutor Maggy Roberts by one of her Children’s Illustration Course students Charlotte Kaill. Congratulations Charlotte on a fantastic illustration!    

Photography – Josafine Tinkaus

We don’t often blog students work from the photography course and we probably should! Perhaps that’s our New Years resolution for 2017! This beautiful photo was sent to us by Photography Diploma tutor Rona Cox. It was taken by student Josafine Tinkaus…

Beginners Drawing – Edith Steinberg

Student Edith Steinberg has been working through the Beginners Drawing Course and this is one of her drawings from the submitted exercises. A quote from the beginners drawing course tutor is below…we hope that it helps and inspires our beginners reading…

Still Life – John Peace

John Peace has been working on the Still life course with tutor Alan Dedman. John has created two superb paintings for his first set and his introductory letter is below. We hope that our prospective students can gain some confidence from…

Botanical Art Course – Mollie Melhuish

My name is Mollie and I have recently completed the Botanical Coloured Pencil Course with the London Art College. I have received my Diploma Certificate with distinction from tutor Shevaun Doherty. It was a new medium for me but one I…

Two Coloured Pencil Students!

Monika Cilmi is the tutor for our London Art College Coloured Pencil Course. She has sent us a superb coloured pencil drawing by student Mike Bingham and a testimonial by Lee Lillie. Monika said – Mike Bingham has no experience with freehand drawing or coloured…

Pet Portraits by Karen Bruce

My name is Karen, I started painting four years ago when I was 51, and particularly enjoy drawing and painting animals of any kind. I completed the London Art College Watercolour Course earlier this year and on completion enrolled immediately on…

Happy New Year!

Christy Chan

Christy Chan has recently completed our Coloured Pencil Drawing Course with Monika Cilmi. This is one of her final assignments and she was hoping it would be used on our website and blog. We are thrilled to be able to feature it…

Suneeta Kulkarni

A Merry Christmas and a Great 2017 to all at the wonderful London Art College! Here’s my submission for the blog, hoping it finds a spot. Suneeta.   We were delighted to add Suneeta’s artwork to our blog and her painting beautiful!…

Malgosia Kozicka

Malgosia Kozicka completed her course in Digital painting with tutor Spencer Hill in November. She has created this wonderful festive painting for us to show on our blog. We wish Malgosia all the best with her future paintings and career!

A Bah Humbug Cartoon by Gethin

Smile at student Gethin’s cartoon strip called Bah Humbug! We love it!

Festive Wishes!

We hope that all of our readers and students are having a lovely festive season. We also hope that you received some fabulous art materials from Santa this year! Student Pete Levy has created this amazing illustration which we just…

Merry Christmas to All!

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our students and readers a very Merry Christmas. We hope that Santa leaves you lots of art materials under your tree this year! Thank you to student Inari Johnson for the superb…