Author: London Art College

Veronique Cole

Drawing and Painting Diploma student Veronique Cole has completed her course with tutor Paul Weaver and has passed with a Distinction. We have added a few of Veronique’s paintings and drawings below and hope that you find them inspiring! If…

Weekend Art Challenge – Black & White

Welcome to this weekends art challenge. This time we would like you to create anything of your choice in Black and White. It could be in graphite pencil, black and white pastel or chalk, black and white paint with all…

Weekend Art Challenge – Art Materials

Welcome to our weekend art challenge on the theme of art materials. We thought it would be the perfect September art challenge. With everyone getting back into the swing of things after summer holidays, for the new term. Our featured…

Hilary Love

Hillary Love has completed a fabulous portrait for her final set of work on the Pet Portrait Diploma course. The portrait that Hillary has created, although fairly loose in style, is very accurate with regards to fundamentals of her drawing,…

Jane Tivey

Jane Tivey chats about how she completed her landscape hay bales pastel painting. We hope you all find it interesting and inspiring! To start with I roughed out the tree line and top field line and then painted the sky…

Alicia Van Wyk

This is Alicia Van Wyk 47065, who has recently sent her typographic work through – it’s fantastic! What a contrast in these two pieces of work, showing Alicia’s ability to communicate with each target audience. The middle piece is a…

Weekend Art Challenge – Art Materials

Welcome to this weekends art challenge. September always has a ‘going back to school’ feel where you are buying new pencils, sketch pads, pencil sharpeners plus lots of new art materials for the new term. All with that fresh new…

Weekend Art Challenge – Owls

Welcome to the latest results of our weekend challenge for our students. This week we asked them to draw or paint an owl, in any style or form. If you scroll below, you will see some absolutely wonderful renditions of…

Fleur Brown

Student Fleur brown has created a lovely composition for two black Labradors for one of her assignments on the Pet Portraits Diploma Course. We have added a couple of photos below, one showing the painting in progress with a prelim…

Tess Burn

Tessa Burn recently completed the pastels course and created a variety of artwork whilst studying with tutor Monica Cilmi. The pastels course not only allows you to learn pastels as a medium, but it gives you the chance to experiment…

Pauline Garforth

Student Pauline Garforth has completed the Watercolour Diploma Course and created this beautiful painting of St Pauls Cathedral. We have added the final painting, the reference photo Pauline used and a photo of Paulines colour chart too. Pauline was delighted…

Weekend Art Challenge – Owls

Welcome to our weekend art challenge. This week we would love for you to portray owls – or a single owl, the choice is yours. Owls are predominantly solitary and nocturnal and this could come across in your work if…

Weekend Art Challenge – Horses in Motion

Welcome to our latest weekend art challenge which we set our students this week. It was not the easiest of challenges, in fact, drawing or painting a horse in motion for an experienced artists is a huge challenge. So our…

Helen Acosta

Helen Acosta completed both of these beautiful paintings for the Pet Portrait Diploma Course. The first being a Red Setter in Pastel, the second a Corgi in acrylics. Helen explains a little about each painting below. We hope you enjoy…

David Thomas

The two portraits along with the delicately drawn hand study below have been created by London Art College student David Thomas. David worked with tutor Alan Dedman on the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course and submitted these for his final…

Victoria Westmacott-Wrede

Following on from Victoria’s post last week, we have a second in the series of her beautiful and very realistic paintings of Braeburn’s. Read about how Victoria painted them below along with the colours she used and her process. “Malus…

Weekend Art Challenge – Horse in Motion

Welcome to this weekends art challenge. This time we would like you to study horses and their moment. You can place them within any kind of scene, wither it be realistic or a blurred effect, just as long as the…

Weekend Art Challenge – Tigers

Welcome to our latest weekend art challenge all about Tigers! What a stunning array of magnificent creatures we have to show this week. Our featured image is shared this week by Elena Statham, who’s artwork is on the left and…

Victoria Westmacott-Wrede

Victoria Westmacott-Wrede has created a beautiful set of watercolour fruit and veg for one of her assignments on the Botanical painting course. She explains below how she painted each one and the colours she used. We thought that would students…

Elizabeth Taylor

London Art College student Elizabeth Taylor has been working on the Landscape Diploma Course with tutor Alan Dedman and has created some wonderful landscape paintings and drawings for one of her assignments. Elizabeths delicate and precise drawing and sketching skills…

Jane Tivey

We have a wonderful blog post today by student Jane Tivey. She wrote a wonderful accompaniment to her artwork which we have added some of below. We hope that it gives our students and readers an understanding of how Jane…

Weekend Art Challenge – Tigers

Welcome to this weekends art challenge – and what a challenge this week. Tigers! We have collated some magnificent photos for you to work with below which are all copyright free. Alternatively if you have your own photos you are…

Weekend Art Challenge – Butterflies

Welcome to the beautiful results of our latest weekend art challenge – all about butterflies! Our students have excelled themselves this week and created some very delicate and colourful paintings and drawings. Well done to everyone who took part! Our…

Rebecca Friend

Rebecca Friend is working with tutor Gayle Mason on the Pet Portrait Diploma Course and here are a couple of Rebeccas pieces from the first and second sets of artwork. We love the oil painting and you can read more…

Sarah Briggs

Sarah Briggs has created two wonderful illustrations for her first set of work for the Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma Course. We have added them below for you to study. The double page spread illustration gives lots of detail and interest…

Benjamin Magesh

Benjamin Magesh has completed the third assignment on the Portrait Painting and Drawing Course and also included some progression shots of the portraits. We absolutely love receiving candid photos by students and we hope you enjoy viewing these of Benjamin…

Weekend Art Challenge – Butterflies

Welcome to our newest weekend art challenge! This week we would love for you to get creative using the theme butterflies. We have added some beautiful copyright free photos below if you would like to use those. They are full…

Weekend Art Challenge – Northern Lights

Welcome to a beautiful selection of Northern Lights artwork from our recent weekend art challenge. We have received some stunning and very creative artwork from our students this week. Our featured image today was created by student Rebecca Blake and…

Madhavi Yelnurkar

We have added a variety of pieces of artwork today from student Madhavi Yelnurkar who has been working on the Drawing & Painting Diploma Course with tutor Paul Weaver. Madhavi’s artwork is wonderful and we hope that you enjoy viewing…

Steve Giles

Steve Giles is currently working with tutor Gayle Mason on the Pet Portraits Diploma Course. He created these two portraits for his set 4 assignments. One exercises was to add a dog within a scenic background and the other was…

Oksana Lupych

Student Oksana Lupych has just completed the Watercolour Diploma Course and tutor Ida Mitrani was thrilled with Oksana’s artwork. She requested for it to be added here on our blog for fellow students to view. We are thrilled to be…

Weekend Art Challenge – Northern Lights

Welcome to this weekends art challenge. Some of you reading this will have been lucky enough to see the Northern Lights in real life. Others will have admired the phenomenon from photos and tv. We would love for you to…

Weekend Art Challenge – Fairies

Welcome to our weekend art challenge all about fairies! We are absolutely delighted with the results of the art challenge this week. Our students have created a wonderful array of artwork, including an incredible lino cut and print from student…

Karen Bruce

Karen Bruce completed our Watercolour Diploma Course and produced these stunning paintings for some of her assignments. The colours Karen used are so fresh and vibrant. We particularly love the eye and ear studies that she has completed with some…

Sidney Pletschke

London Art College student Sidney Pletschke is working with tutor Steven Hersey on our Illustration Diploma Course. Steven was particularly impressed with Sydney’s assignment, part of which we have added below for our students to view. Steven said….. Sidney produced…

Sara Roberts

Welcome to our beautiful collages of birds by student Sara Roberts who is studying the Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma Course. Tutor Maggy was thrilled with Sara’s main collage and felt it would be a great addition to the blog to…

Weekend Art Challenge – Fairies!

Welcome to this weekends art challenge. We would love for you to get creative with an etherial feel this week within the theme of fairies. The challenge is quite open, interpret it how you would like. We have added some…

Weekend Art Challenge – Summer

Welcome to this weeks art challenge results from the theme ‘Summer’! This theme has generated some amazing pieces of artwork, our students have been very creative in expressing what summer means to them. Our featured image today is by Pet…

Fiona Van Brabandt

When I first read the assignment and when I looked at the various works done by students, Sebastian’s Sink City felt like a real challenge. I had never drawn or painted house-cleaning products and I was wondering how I would…

Linda Carluschi

Student Linda Carluschi is taking the Illustrating Children’s Book Diploma Course and completed this beautiful illustration for the Fiery Fred Assignment. Linda said… I studied for five years and worked as a graphic designer for six years. I started to…

Yun-Ting Hsieh

Student Yun-Ting Hsieh is currently working on our Illustration Diploma Course with tutor Steven Hersey. Steven was thrilled with Yun-Ting’s preliminary drawings and final painting which you can see below. We have also added some of the text that Yun-Ting…

Paul Weaver Exhibition

LAC TUTOR PAUL WEAVER HAS HAD 2 PAINTINGS SELECTED FOR THE ARTIST EXHIBITION – NOW OPEN! Although the Patchings Festival, featuring ‘The Artist’ and ‘Leisure Painter’ Open Competitions, could not take place this year, the good news is that the competition still…

Weekend Art Challenge – Summer

Welcome to this weekends art challenge! We would like you to create a piece of artwork on the theme of ‘Summer’. It can be anything from a warm sunny beach scene, a picnic on the grass, children playing in the…

Weekend Art Challenge – Sky & Clouds

Welcome to the results of the weekends art challenge. We challenged our students this week to all look up to the sky and portray what they saw. We have received a huge number of stunning paintings, drawings, photos and digital…

Jan Graham

I am using Strathmore Bristol smooth and a mechanical pencil and also b and 2b pencils. My first sheet shows a common Ivy : Hydera Helix and I choose a mature shiny leaf. Also on this sheet is a young…

Maria Ei Zar

Student Maria Ei Zar has created a beautiful study of a lobster and has sent us photos of the painting in stages for us to see. She has also shown where her easel is set up along with her paint…

Federica Cesaroni

I remember submitting my first assignment for the Illustration Course, I was so nervous. I had never studied art before, and I didn’t know what to expect. I come from a background in which art is seen as a waste…

Weekend Art Challenge – Sky & Clouds

Welcome to our weekend challenge and today it is all about sky and clouds. We all have access to look up at some point in the day wherever you are in the world. Whether is is a beautiful blue sky,…

Weekend art Challenge – Wildflowers Artwork!

Welcome to the results of this weeks art challenge on the theme of Wild Flowers. We knew that this would be a popular theme, however we didn’t realise how much enjoyment you would all gain from this wonderful subject. You…

Alidamari Visagie

I have enrolled in the Digital Illustration course (a gift from my husband), in the hopes of expanding my artistic style as well as learning about the technical aspects of drawing digitally.  Although I come with some experience (well self…

Layla Ewen

Two stunning illustrations today by student Layla Ewen who is studying the Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma Course with tutor Maggy Roberts. We not only love her very three dimensional Fiery Fred painting, but we adore Laylas frog lazing on the…

Lauren Sandall

Lauren Sandall has completed a lovely first set of typographic work for the Graphic Design Art Diploma Course. Tutor Vanessa weaver was thrilled to receive them as are we to be able to show them here on the blog. We…

Weekend Art Challenge – Wild Flowers

Welcome to this weekends art challenge all about wild flowers. Some of the photos below were taken on a woodland track in the wilds of west Wales, others are stock photos all free to use. You can draw or paint…

Weekend Art Challenge – Strawberries

Welcome to the results of our latest weekend art challenge. We set our students this week, the task of creating artwork around the theme of Strawberries. Our students have had a wonderful time in creating and probably eating, plenty of…

Emily Hemmings

Student Emily Hemmings has submitted her first set of work on the Graphic Design Art Course and produced a terrific set of illustrations for a tourist brochure. Emily has also put together some very effective concept boards, which were a…

Anne-Sophie Laugier

Anne-Sophie Laugier submitted this very impressive illustration as her response to the Fiery Fred brief on the Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma Course. Sophie also took a photo of the painting with her watercolour pallet which is absolutely beautiful! We would…

Rosy Davis

Rosy Davis created these two superb pieces of artwork for the first assignment on the Graphic Design Art course. At this stage, Rosie was learning about perspective and these are her two pen and ink illustrations as examples for this….

Weekend Art Challenge – Summer Strawberries

Welcome to our very summery weekend art challenge. This week, we would love for you to be creative with strawberries. It’s the height of the strawberry season and you may be lucky enough to have some growing in your garden,…

London Art College Competition!

Welcome to our big announcement! The London Art College yearly competition is now OPEN! Students can submit ONE piece of artwork they have created. It doesn’t have to be a course work piece. The artwork can be in any medium…

Weekend Art Challenge – The Scream

Welcome to the results of ‘The Scream’ art challenge. This time we set our students the task of creating their own version – or own take on the Edvard Munch painting ‘The Scream’. We hope that you are all as…

Caroline Richards

Caroline Richards has completed the Graphic Design Course course and passed with an overall Distinction grade. Caroline has designed a beautiful poster which you can see below, along with her sketches and mockups of how the poster developed. Caroline sent this…

Ian Dance

Ian Dance, a student from the Learn to Draw Course has created two lovely drawings in pen. Tutor Monika Cilmi was delighted with his work and we are thrilled to be able to show them on the blog today. The…

Sara Sykes

Student Sara Sykes has just completed the Illustration Diploma Course with a Distinction. Tutor Steven Hersey said that the distinction grade was well deserved and her work on the course was outstanding. We have added three images below, the first…

Weekend Art Challenge – Your version of ‘The Scream’

Welcome to our weekend art challenge. A very different idea today sparked by student Mila Zinzen. ‘Mila’s idea is to ‘Make your interpretation of a well-known piece of art and for everyone to do the same piece’. After lots of…

Weekend Art Challenge – Mandalas

Welcome to the results of this weekends art challenge. We set our students the task of creating a mandala or two! Students seem to have loved this idea and found the whole process very relaxing and meditative. So many beautiful…

Sean Cocker

Sean Cocker is currently working towards completing the Botanical Coloured Pencil Course with tutor Ida Mitrani. Seans illustrations below are absolutely stunning and we hope that you enjoy viewing them as much as we have. If you are interested in…

Audrey Quinton

Audrey Quinton studied our Cartooning Diploma Course with tutor John Byrne. Audrey has just got in touch, as one of her stunning cartoons has been published in a booklet called ‘Fit For Farming‘. You can read about it online and…

Chloe Cooper

I changed my path at college level from illustration to 3D Design., This gave me a wonderful career but I hope to finish what I started with Illustration. I also wish to learn more to be able to illustrate the…

Weekend Art Challenge – Mandalas

Welcome to this weekends art challenge. Mandalas. What are Mandalas you ask? Wikipedia describes them as ‘a geometric configuration of symbols’. They can be a very precise circles with a matching configurations of patterns or conversely they can be a…

Weekend Art Challenge – Triptychs

Welcome to our latest art challenge where we asked our students to set about creating a ‘triptych’ as our weekend challenge. A Triptych is a set of three pieces of artwork with a theme running through them, or an image…

Gayathri G

Student Gayathri G is studying on our Illustration Diploma Course with tutor Steven Hersey. In one of the assignments on the course students are asked to design and redesign some logos. Gayathri created a number of stunning logo designs, including…

David Feakes

Welcome to our blog post today, dedicated to photography student David Feakes. He passed with flying colours this week with a distinction and tutor Rona Cox was delighted. The photos below show two from the portraiture window light tasks, one…

Sylvia Kendrick

Today we have two beautiful watercolour paintings by student Sylvia Kendrick who is working on our Watercolour Diploma Course with tutor Ida Mitrani. Sylvia has traditionally painted a stunning flower painting entitled ‘Flowers from my Garden’ and a still life…

Weekend Art Challenge – Triptych

Welcome to our latest weekend art challenge. This time we would like you to create a Triptych. Students can create one long image split into three, or alternatively three separate images with a definite theme. The painting below by Simon…

Weekend Art Challenge – Warm Colours

Welcome to the results of our latest weekend art challenge. We set students the task of choosing to draw or paint anything that involved warm colours. We were once again delighted with the creativity that our students have shown this…