Welcome to this weekends art challenge. Boots and Shoes. We all have access to footwear, whether it is a pair of comfy trainers, work shoes, posh wedding shoes, mens workwear boots, hiking boots, wellingtons, baby shoes … or your favourite pink fluffy slippers!
We would love for you to draw or paint them, however you would like. Set them up on a table and draw them from any angle – side on, looking down, front on etc. If you would like to place them on a piece of newspaper or similar and draw that to, we are happy to see that also.
If the photos below that we have collected inspired you, feel free to work from those. Don’t forget you can click each image and save the high resolution photo.
Try to concentrate on the shape of the shoe, the light and shade, the texture of the footwear – is it canvas, plastic, rough leather etc and choose the medium you feel that would best capture them on paper or canvas. Enjoy the learning process and have fun. We look forward to seeing your results next week!