Welcome to this weekends art challenge! We thought that we would encourage all of our students who enjoy painting and drawing dogs, a chance to show us their dog portrait skills. But this challenge isn’t just for our pet portraits students…..!
This challenge can be created in any style. So don’t forget if you are a children’s illustration student you could perhaps turn my own dog Lily below in to a happy little character for a story. Why not illustrate a page of a book with a few lines of text revolving around Lily as a central character. She could be chasing a squirrel, playing in the sea on a sunny day, having a bath with bubbles, going for a walk in the rain with a coat and hat on…. The ideas are endless!
Cartooning students could make a cartoon for her. I’m sure many of you remember the newspaper cartoon strip Marmaduke, or Fred Basset or even the Perishers. Gnasher the pet dog of Dennis the Menace from The Beano was also a popular cartoon. What not make something similar.
Modern Style
You could even turn her into a pop art piece in an Andy Warhol style!
Traditional art
Of course our pet portrait students should have no problem drawing a dog for this challenge. Try not to just submit something you have already created for your course, work on something new and make it a challenge – perhaps treat it like a real commission.
Your dog could be drawn or painted in pencil, coloured pencil, pastel, acrylic, digital, mosaic, collage, watercolour or oils – or what about a simple ball point pen sketch?! This challenge is so versatile.
Artwork of Lily – or your own dog!
You aren’t confined to using Lily as your subject of course! I have added her there just as inspiration. You might have your own little buddy to work with, take photos of and study.
Let us know how you get on, we would love to hear all about it! Have fun!