This weekend s challenge is slightly different. We would like you to draw or paint a biscuit (cookie) – or a collection of them. We were inspired by the beautiful artwork submission of student Linda Brughera who drew this biscuit in coloured pencil for her course. She depicted it in full colour on her very pretty tablecloth with the addition of a few crumbs on the table too.
You can use any composition. Linda has looked straight down on her’s which has produced a very dynamic piece, however you can place them on a plate, in a bowl, on a table, or perhaps in a packet spilling out. Or why not get right up close to them and make a contemporary piece. The choice in yours! If you don’t have any biscuits in you cupboard, you could use cream crackers instead.
We are very much looking forward to seeing your results. As per usual, email them to us or post them on our main facebook page (details below). Finally, if you are working from life…. try not to eat too much of your still life before completing your artwork!! Have fun!