London Art College student Karen Jones has created a beautiful study of a parrot. Her tutor Heather Joliffe was delighted with it and said the following….
Here’s a drawing by Karen Jones which I thought was a stunning piece of colour control, as well as capturing the shapes and character of this bird. Lots going on here, and I know how much detail it takes to suggest feathers. Karen has done a great job here with that.
Karen sent this to Heather along with the artwork…
The parrot in sunset is my own reference photo and the background was from Pexels ref photos.
I found it quite easy to use a computer to merge the two photos to create this sunset piece. The background was done with pastel sticks Faber-Castell these were nice to work with and blended well.
We are delighted to be able to showcase Karen’s artwork and very much look forward to seeing more artwork from Karen soon!

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