In this Weekend Art Challenge, we would love for our students to look for reflections in objects or surfaces. There are often reflections in shiny surfaces with strong or bright light. These can be anything from rivers, sea, canals with shiny sunlight, moonlight, streetlights and colourful fairly lights. Reflections can be on shiny worktops or tables, for instance a green glass bottle can reflect green light on a table from a lamp or window.
Take a look around your home to see if you have any reflections on surfaces or objects, perhaps take a walk outside and take photos of any reflections you see outside. You might find a puddle and take photo reflecting yourself in the puddle!
You can also look at distortions and patterns and illustrate the play of light on these surfaces using texture. Use your imagination to think of ideas where reflections are the main focus of the scene. We can’t wait to see what you all come up with. Enjoy and have fun! Looking forward to seeing your results!
The idea of these challenges is to help students improve their skills by drawing, painting and creating regularly.
So try to submit work that you have created specifically for the challenge – or course work you are currently creating for your art course. Sometimes our challenge themes cross over with what students are learning. Our challenges are great practive for your coursework too!
Remember to submit your artwork to us via email if you would like it posted on our blog next week.
Photo Reference

All of the photos we post on our London Art College Weekend Challenges are copyright free. Feel free to use the artwork you produce however you wish. If you would like your artwork posted here on our blog, email it to Melanie at If you have any Weekend Challenge requests let us know too! Best of luck and happy drawing and painting!

Email your artwork to us for inclusion on the blog next week. We sometimes take challenge posts submitted to our Facebook group to add to the collection, however we may miss some, so if you really want to see your work here, make sure you email it to us!

Artwork for Inspiration

If you would like to receive a roundup of all of our blog posts once a week to keep you inspired in your inbox, why not sign up to our newsletter. You can access our sign up at the top of our page. If you are a London Art College student and you would like your artwork featured here, drop us a line at any time.