Welcome to our latest weekend art challenge where we set our students the task of creating artwork of a tropical beach scene with palm trees. The majority of students who submitted work, wished they were on the beach they had drawn or envisaged! And we don’t blame them! So many wonderful drawings and paintings this week, some very dynamic and of course we are loving Colin’s character. If you have been following our challenges each week, Colin has become quite the star here.
We hope you enjoy viewing all of the artwork below. Please feel free to take part in our challenges, email them to techsupport@londonartcollege.co.uk and we will add them to our blog. Stay tuned for the next challenge coming tomorrow!

Marianne T

It’s drawn using biro and coloured pencils.
Catherine T

Ni Ni

It’s made using watercolour, coloured pencil and pastels.
Catherine T

It was made using pen and ink, bright watercolours and pastels – it’s different than I usually work and I’m pleased with how it’s turned out!!
Catherine T

Nina P

Nina K
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I love Colin, too. He’s quite a character and knows how to enjoy the bright sides of life. Can you imagine the big smile behind his sunglasses?
I look forward to seeing a lot more of him here.