I am a multidisciplinary Bradford artist and I am into all areas of art. In the past few years, I have created my own comic book series which I am very proud of. I also make artwork for the Bradford Teaching Hospital and was made their first Artist in Residence which has added to my confidence as an artist.

In 2022 one of these artworks created for the hospital won a feature in the Artists & Illustrators magazine. I am currently in my last year of my BA Art degree. I have been volunteering my time to host gel printing workshops for the staff at the hospital as part of their wellbeing week and I have done the same for my fellow students at college. I am planning to release my own art book collecting my best pieces and sharing my struggles in hopes this can help inspire others.
Latest Painting – Theme – Painting Your Personal Journey
Size: A2 (18.5 x 25.4)
Intended Art Piece: My Journey So Far
After spending years making comics, I saw an opportunity with the brief to illustrate and paint my progress over the past few years. I suffer a daily struggle with my mental health and making art has always played an important part in my life.
The artwork in the picture below won 1st place at the UBU Bradford University art event and will be included with the other art pieces I made for the Bradford Royal Infirmary.

The biggest things to happen in my life over the past few years is becoming Artist in Residence for the hospital, winning a feature in Artists & Illustrators and I was recently interviewed on film for the hospital.
I have illustrated these elements in my painting which includes my first meeting with Mel Pickup at the hospital and being filmed by Donnie Horvath. The piece also includes my previous artworks.

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