I am very happy you liked my artwork, I was not expecting such a good feeback from everyone when I was doing the course to be honest. And I do consent for my artwork to be shared.
Hi, I have just finished the Illustration Course of London Art College, I decided to sign up for it as all my life I have been interested in arts but never had any course or training about it. My passion for drawing started when I was very young, my dad is really good with pencils and brushes and I guess he awakened my passion for it. Despite studying and working in Healthcare I never stoped drawing. Finally I decided it was time for me to try, and I definitely have no regrets!
I completed my Course with Steven Hersey, I was impressed by the feedback I had. All of them were very detailed and I could see he took his time assessing the drawings and writting feedback. I felt that he saw the messages I wanted to express with my drawings. The fact that he admired my art work was very rewarding and made me feel very happy. Mostly I have been using pencils, combined with ballpens, watercolour pencils, colour pencils… As it was difficult sometimes to take a good picture/scan of them, then I completed the final touches with Photoshop. I found some of the assignments quite challenging, like the logo designs, but with others, as soon as I was reading the assinmgent I was already imagining what I can draw… I did have a lot of fun drawing the chickens and the Woodlouse story. Also I enjoyed drawing the songs assignment, where the goal was for the viewers to “feel the sadness” expressed in the lyrics (like the one I did of the couple). Some of these assingments are also open to the public on my Facebook Page, called VJS, together with more drawings.
Thank you so much for the course and for the Diploma with Distinction, I really appreciate it! I am looking foward to illustrate my first book, magazine… anything!
Kind Regards
Excellent standards of work, and her final assignment just assessed shows great skill and imaginative flair.
Tutor – Steven Hersey

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