Are you the kind of Emerging Artist that prefers zero boundaries and need a nudge to ignite that creative fire you didn’t even know you had? Steven Hersey and the Watercolour course did exactly that for me. Steven’s “ Go for it “ and “Anything Goes “ attitude along with his expert guidance, honesty and encouragement has taken my Art journey to a level I could never have imagined.

I was so fortunate to learn the necessary basics and ground work first with the superb Paul Weaver on the Painting and Drawing Course. With these basic tools under my belt, Steven encouraged me to let my imagination run riot for every assignment.

Before I started the course I was yet to find “ My Style “ or preferred genre and didn’t feel any sense of what direction I really wanted to pursue and this was frustrating me. Steven changed all that by pointing out my Surreal style of photography that I submitted with my very first assignment.

From there I loved every minute of daily painting with no fear of failure knowing that my experiments and efforts would be recognized and honestly and sensitively critiqued to aid my progression.

I found the course with Steven exciting and inspiring and most importantly the total freedom to go in any direction has changed everything for my Artistic future.

I currently have two paintings showing at a local gallery and I’ve started to make my own Giclee Prints on Canvas at home . My prints have been accepted for sale by a Gallery in Montreal and also Amazon Artisan.

I’m around 18 months into my Art Journey with the London Art College and I started as an absolute beginner with zero experience or Artistic skill at all. I had no intention of Art being anything more than a hobby and pass time and here we are!

I’ve just signed up for the Oil Painting course and can’t wait to see where that takes me. My tips – Get the basics then go wild if that’s your thing! Lose the fear and just go for it, your guide and mentor are far more important than course content and I’m humbled, grateful and beyond impressed by my two outstanding tutors Steven and Paul. I’m still stunned with my pair of Distinctions. Thank You.

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Congratulations and well done, always great to see someone pushing the boundaries of watercolour and hearing about your journey