Ingrid van Duikeren

I have been creative all my life. Love learning techniques. There is one thing I have always remained faithful to and that is watercolor. Lately, illustrating has also interested me. Wanted to challenge me further in the field of illustration. Searched the internet and ended up at London Art College.

I loved doing assignments about things outside my comfort zone. I could do more than I thought. Just by doing it and experiencing it. Great appreciation for the way in which the feedback was lovingly designed. The course left me wanting more. The love for watercolor, that beautiful pure medium, was the deciding factor.

My first written words, in the introduction of the course, to my tutor Steven Hersey:

I want to start this watercolor course because I want to find answers on my uncertainty about my watercolor technique.

I don’t know what I am doing? Perhaps I do know, but I am unaware of it. Or I just don’t know and then I can get more structure in my approach.

My last words to my tutor ending this course:

I started this course to explore and challenge myself on a medium I love so much. So pure and clean. With your feedback on my results it was such a nice and rewarding journey. Both, illustration and watercolour, have given me confidence in knowing.

Now I have started the digital illustration course. How nice to continue learning when you are 70+ and in an environment that radiates care and attention.

Outstanding painting techniques and beautiful paintings.

Tutor Steven Hersey

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