I came across The London Art College when I was looking for a course to take to complete the skill section as part of my Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. I had just completed my Art GCSE at the time I started the course and was about to start A Level Art. I was keen to complement my A Level studies with a course that focused on learning different methods of producing art as well as techniques to improve representation and the effectiveness of my artwork.
The Drawing and Painting Course was very enjoyable and rewarding. I would like to thank Paul Weaver for being such a great tutor – his feedback has helped me to improve my art substantially and given me greater artistic confidence and motivation.
I like to be as creative as possible with my art; this course was perfect for me, as Paul guided me through different fundamental principles to give me a better platform to create engaging pieces, where my creativity can flourish. One such principle is the importance of contrasting tones to create form as opposed to using lines, and the use of contrast to draw the eye. Now as I paint, I try to keep this principle at the forefront of my mind.