I found a love of art many years ago back at school, and went on to study Art to A Level. But after leaving I went straight to nurse training and art became just a hobby for me – or the occasional commission.
Having had two babies, as an older mum, I gave up nursing to be at home with the kids. Now I find I’ve a bit more time to myself and I’ve become very inspired by the books I read my children. I love to see how engaged they are by picture books – I loved the illustrations in books myself as a child and how they stick in your memory – and this made me pick up my pencils and paints again.

After playing about creating pictures my children liked, and reimagining illustrations for classic children’s books, I started engaging online with illustrators in the industry. It was through these contacts that the London Art College’s Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma was recommended to me.
It has been a bit of a leap of faith for me because it’s been a long time, and I just didn’t know if I was good enough! But I’ve now completed my first assignments and my tutor Maggie has really helped alleviate those fears for me – and I’m now excited to get started on my second!

My hope is to eventually get on to and complete the follow up course. Ultimately, I’d like to work in the industry and create art that will be as memorable for future children as the illustrations I loved as a child.
I’d really recommend this course. I’m only on my second assignments and I’ve already learned a huge amount about the technical side of the industry and what’s required.
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