Having just completed the Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma Course I now look at books with some awe and a new appreciation of the illustrator’s skill. It pushed me way out of my comfort zone at times when trying best to represent visually a piece of text within the confines of a particular age group and technical specifications.
As books for young children have very little text, I have come to appreciate even more the skill involved in successfully telling the story with colour, character and composition. There were times during the course when I thought it was beyond my skill set but I’m so glad I stuck with it.
My tutor Maggy’s detailed critiques have been invaluable in teaching, supporting and guiding me throughout the course and have given me the confidence to push the boundaries of what’s ‘normal’ to make a picture exciting and engaging without losing the traits that make a character believable. I really enjoyed the challenge of this course and look forward to developing further the skills I have learnt.

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