What better challenge to set our students on an Easter weekend was one entitled ‘Happy Easter’. We have received some really lovely artwork this week and we hope that you all enjoy viewing them below.
Our feature image this week is by Christine Mitchell who created an oil painting of two spring lambs. Isnt it wonderful! The composition is excellent, we love the way that Christine has painted the lambs, the lovely spring like colours in the grass with splashes of yellow is superb too! Well done Christine!
Audrey Quinton has added a few of her pieces for the weekend challenge this week and we are very impressed with this illustration below. Especially as it has our name on it! Excellently painted and a really lovely composition with a very cute character.
We hope that you have all enjoyed taking part this week. Thank you to everyone who sent in their artwork for inclusion, we really do appreciate it! Keep up the great work everyone and if students reading this would like to take part but are feeling a bit shy…..no need! We are a friendly group! Email at any time!
We hope that everyone enjoyed this challenge. Stay tuned for a new Weekend Art Challenge posted here tomorrow.

Audrey Quinton

Julie Smalley

Hilarie Stelfox

Nina Phillips

Audrey Quinton

This is oil on board.
Christine Mitchell
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