Sam Wright is studying our pet Portraits Diploma Course and we love her two paintings below. We hope you find them inspiring. Sam sent the following info to her tutor about her work which we thought was an interesting read.
Cat pastel pencil on pastel mat – This is my friends late cat Misty. He sent me the most amazing picture that fit the brief just before I was about to start so it had to be done. I tried embossing the whiskers in which I think had moderate success. I also got a different brand of white pencil that worked well for the brighter areas. I struggled with the ears in making them look fluffy and don’t think I quite got there. I spent hours on the first one trying different techniques with putty rubbers, to bow erasers and scotch tape. The background was to fade out slightly but I think it needed more contrast to it.

Flamingo in acrylic on cartridge paper – On a positive note I did a lot of colour mixing which I did enjoy. I was also so much more relaxed that the others as I had a different mentality I didn’t spend hours stressing about it first or half of each sitting staring at it debating. I just went for it which was so much ore freeing and relaxing.

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