I started the Digital Illustration course because I drew photo realistically in pencil and wanted to get colour into my work. I also wanted to create my own composites rather than just copying photos and this course did just that. Using a Wacom tablet took a few hours of getting used to but very quickly felt easy. Before I knew it I was getting out my comfort zone and achieving everything I had set out to do. I particularly loved thinking about colour and light and it inspired me to do my own investigations on how to create effects such as neon and seascapes.
The section at the end which was a brief introduction in vectors also opened up a new freedom in me to create more simple, graphic looking work and also cartoon style. I have always been frustrated with my inability to create different styles and my own composites and be satisfied with it. I have finally broke free and at last happy with such work.
Monique the tutor is excellent. I cannot recommend her enough. She gives very thorough, helpful feedback verbally recorded so you can actually hear her talking about your work giving you a much more friendly and personal feel. She makes really interesting points and insights and felt I learned a lot from her alone. All in all I really enjoyed my experience of this course and highly recommend to anyone who is willing to put the effort in and particularly if you draw already and are stuck in a style rut.

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