I started the Drawing & Painting Diploma with a hope of two main things.
1. as an escape from the sadness of loosing my mum to dementia, whom I had been primary carer for over the past 3 years
2. and to enjoy something for myself again
Mission accomplished.
I experienced challenges by the bucket load, but this served to help me focus my mind and accomplish things I never thought I was capable of.
If only you had heard the number of times I screamed “Oh I just can’t do this”. But I did.
For this I owe heartfelt thanks to Paul Weaver for his personal and detailed feedback and guidance when I reached out for help.
Things I have discovered:
1. How satisfying working purely with pencils can be.
2. How to really look at every minute detail yet the simplest of correct marks can illustrate exactly what you see.
3. For me, oil paints still remain a complete mystery although something I will not give up on (just yet).
4. Despite my sheer terror of attempting to draw real people, I can actually do a half decent job!
5. My favourite part of the course, was the part I dreaded the most. People. The total satisfaction and smugness I felt at achieving a likeness was something to behold.

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