I studied art at school but never took it any further once I started work. One of the positive things that came out of the 2020 lockdown for me is that I started to do some drawing and painting again, after decades of doing virtually nothing. I knew then that I wanted to continue to develop my skills and I came across the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course and I knew it was exactly what I needed.
The course continually pushed me outside my comfort zone by challenging me to do things I wouldn’t necessarily have done by choice: examples of this include dealing with perspective, and foreshortening when doing figure drawings. I also tried oil (water-soluble) paints for the first time ever and found that I enjoyed working in this medium.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the course and the end result is that I’ve honed my skills, supported by excellent feedback by my tutor Paul Weaver throughout. I’ve also learned to be more experimental and playful in my approach. Loosening up my approach has enabled me to be more creative and to simply have fun whilst drawing or painting. Before I feel I was restricted by an expectation that everything I did had to be ‘good’; this is of course nonsense, as I’m sure any experienced artist will tell you.
My experience with London Art College has been nothing but positive, so much so that I now intend to enrol for the History of Western Art Diploma course next.

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