I have always liked to draw small sketches from time to time, but had never really studied painting or drawing before. Some years ago, my daughter asked me to create a cookbook with our favourite recipes from Ukrainian cuisine for her with illustrations.
Well, I said to myself, I need more knowledge and practice to be able to do those illustrations to the standard I’d like! So I proceeded to go to several evening painting courses (while still working full time), but even after that l didn’t feel that I was ready.
At the same time, I started to enjoy painting more and more. Most of all I liked to paint flowers and landscapes. I was also exploring different media until I felt that oil painting is what I like best of all. However, it would be difficult to make a cookbook with oil paintings in it, wouldn’t it?
Finally, I decided that watercolours is what I need to fulfil my task. But it’s easier to say than make a watercolour painting! I went in search of a course through which I can learn watercolour techniques and principles of composition.
The Painting and Drawing Course at the London Art College had it all and more. I’m very happy that I took this course! I learned many things that I probably wouldn’t ever have tried myself, such as drawing with graphite, which I enjoy a lot now, or drawing and painting the human body.
Despite the fact that the course is fully online, I didn’t feel alone, thanks to my wonderful tutor Paul Weaver, whose advice and comments guided me constantly throughout my study. Paul sent me voice notes of his evaluations of each of the course assignments, which is a brilliant idea because hearing your tutor’s voice makes the experience more personable. Also, the student community on Facebook was a big support and encouragement, and I want to thank everyone who provided their comments and thoughts on my pieces. I wasn’t able to participate in all the weekend challenges, but enjoyed painting for many of them.
I’d recommend this course to anyone who wants to enhance their art skills and creativity.

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