Our London Art College competition is officially open to all of our students! Send us one piece of work that you have created. It can be in any medium apart from pure photography. It doest have to be a piece of artwork that you have created on your course. Perhaps it is something you have drawn or painted in your own time or alternatively for one of our weekly challenges. You might even like to create something new specifically for the competition.
- Take clear and in focus photo from above of your work
- Alternatively you can scan your artwork.
- Name your files your full name and student number if you can.
- Crop your artwork – ie so it is not showing mounts / frames or backgrounds.
- Send to – entries@londonartcollege.co.uk with your full name and student number.
The competition closing date is October 3rd. We will post all of the entries on our website for everyone to see around a week after the closing date. The finalists will then be chosen by our tutors and the winners will be announced after our annual meeting at the end of October.
If students have any questions please don’t hesitate to email us at any time! Good luck and have fun!!

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