I chose the view out of the living-room window as it seemed to lend itself well to the task of capturing both inside and outside the room. I really enjoyed this very much and it was on this task that I feel that I learned how to use a Blender pencil. The garden and shed were straightforward to do, and I was able to get shadows where I needed them. It was lunchtime when I did this so there weren’t many big shadows to look for.
I did remember to capture the shadows in the corners of the wall in front of the window. The paving stones were a bit tricky, but once I had decided on the colours I needed, they worked out okay. The conservatory on the right and the garage on the left, both creep into the scene quite well. I liked the brickwork colours, they turned out lovely when I blended them together. The sky was a bit overcast with very little colour and so it looks very pale here in my picture.
On the left side of the window are 2 family crests, these are the Coats of Arms for both mine and my husband’s families. They are wooden but not the same wood and a little different in shape and size. I found getting the tones for the wood a bit tricky but I’m happy with the colours I ended up with. On the right side of the window there is a framed print on the wall and a large TV below. I have partially shown these edging into the picture. The window frame is brown, but there is a lovely red tone to the wood, so I made sure that was apparent here. I created some shadows to show depth, but the shadow colour under the window sill and around the window didn’t blend as well as I’d have liked. Altogether this task was completed in about 2½ hours.

Collection of Junk
I used my Prismacolor pencils and Strathmore Coloured Pencil Pad for this exercise. Size is larger than A4, but smaller than A3 at 9 x 12 inches. This was a most interesting task and I hope I have completed it correctly. I chose a drawer in the kitchen which is full of bits and bobs. I decided to draw a long, horizontal, slice of the drawer, capturing parts of some of the items and all of others.
I had fun with this, and was extremely pleased with one or two of the objects that I chose. The wooden rolling pin and handle of the hammer, looked very effective. And the screwdriver handle looks good too. Unfortunately, the roll of parcel tape doesn’t look very shiny as I struggled to try and get a glossy sheen on it. The string was a bit difficult too, but I think it looked like a loose ball of string in the end. I made sure that the section I chose had a range of textures in it. This was my most satisfying picture to date. I really enjoyed the challenge of all those textures and surfaces. The little tub with batteries in, was a nightmare to do, but I got there in the end. I spent about 6 hrs on this task.

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