Welcome to our latest weekend art challenge. As we are nearing Easter, we thought it would be a great idea to get our students to draw or paint rabbits this week. Could also have been hares too! We have received an amazing selection and you can view even more if you are a member of our Facebook Group!
Our featured image this week is one from Rose-Marie Biehlig who has actually painted two beautiful watercolours, hoping to create a little book for her granddaughter this Easter. You can see them both in full, at the bottom of our blog post. We love it that we can set our students challenges and they morph into wonderful gifts for family and friends.
We also love the watercolour of three rabbits below along side a beautiful Cowslip. The sketchy underdrawing showing through the watercolour is lovely to see too. Well done Norman Tharby.
Some absolutely beautiful drawings and paintings below, you should all be really pleased with your results. Keep up the great work everyone!
We hope that everyone enjoyed this challenge. Stay tuned for a new Weekend Art Challenge posted here tomorrow.

Norman Tharby

Rachel Shelley

Julie Smalley

Eve Warren

randdaughter. So I painted a second picture. Will I be able to finish the little book by Easter?
Watercolor, watercolor pencils, black ink and pencil.
Rose-Marie Biehlig

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