I can remember as a child being very excited to receive anything art related – new pack of pencils, sketch book, a tin of paints – WOW! Many years later I still get the same thrill. Over the years I have dabbled with many different mediums that I have purchased or been given. However, for several years, a little pack of pastels have lain in a drawer waiting to be used. I wasn’t quite sure how to use them.
I find the idea of a course keeps me focused so decided to sign up with the London Art College. The course provides a number of suggestions for practice with the pastels and becoming familiar with the medium as well as concentrating on observation, perspective, tone etc.
The landscape was an exercise in cropping a photograph or picture. By cropping this particular one, I felt, it still included many things I had studied over the last few months. I liked the softness of the mountains in the background with their muted colours in contrast to the hardness of the rocks and the pop of colour in the tree and foreground.
I have now added a few more colours to my starter set to help me continue on my journey with pastels!
Pricilla Clarke
Pastels Course

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