Magda Milewska is one of my best students, not just talented but also so sincere and hard working in her studies. Everything was always done so thoroughly, to be honest I’m sorry to see her finish!
Tutor Paul Weaver
I wouldn’t call my journey into art a typical one… I’m a scientist by background, years of studying Chemistry and then finally PhD and work in a pharmaceutical industry but… I have always felt I miss something, something deep inside. Few years back I had been going through a difficult time and to change something I started an artistic photography course. That was like a revelation, a whole new world… but digital photography got me bored and I found more traditional techniques like analogue and pinhole photography to be more rewarding. I moved into painting, started with abstract painting study and basics of drawing. That time I was creating lots of artworks combining photography with my drawings, but I never felt confident with drawing and painting. “Drawing and Painting” course at London Art College I found by accident almost, searching for a school to learn how to do it.
The way how chapters are sequenced is really well thought of. They take you through different aspects of painting and drawing and step by step you feel your progress and better grasp of technique. I must say that what I valued most are suggestions and motivating feedback from my tutor, Paul. Many times I have felt unsatisfied with what I have produced – but his positive comments and tips allowed me to become more confident.
I have just signed for another course from the LAC and I can recommend learning with them for everyone with an artistic soul.
Magda Milewska

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