Welcome to our amazing collection of paintings and drawings on the theme of Desserts. By the time you have viewed them all, we guarantee you will be craving something sweet! Our featured image is by student Aggie Choy who has painted her favourite blueberry napoleon cake. Her watercolour techniques are simply stunning. The blueberries look so realistic too – well done Aggie.
We also love the happy and cheery painting by Bhawna Sinha, i think we would all like to be at her tea table! Scroll down to see! Watercolour was a popular medium for this challenge and Rose-Maries beautiful Patisserie painting is so delicate and beautiful. There are so many paintings we could mention here, they are all simply stunning. We hope you find them inspirational and thank you to everyone who took part!!
We hope that everyone enjoyed this challenge. Stay tuned for a new Weekend Art Challenge posted here tomorrow.

Rose-Marie Biehlig

Norman Tharby

Pauline Burke

Emma Miller

Suzanne Prytherch

Claire Cross

Antonina Popina

See how colours tantalise our taste buds….
Latha Bhaduri Prabakar

Lowri Tolman

Eve Warren

Aggie Choy
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