Study at your own pace. Online access to your tutor. For all ages and abilities. Improving your skills or furthering your art career? We have a course for you.
Study at your own pace. Online access to your tutor. For all ages and abilities. Improving your skills or furthering your art career? We have a course for you.
Welcome to our latest weekend art challenge ….. which was quite the challenge! We asked our students to draw something in either pen or pencil using a continuous line. It might sound easy, but actually its pretty tricky! It really makes your mind think. Our students have created a whole variety of drawings and have sent in some absolute masterpieces considering how difficult it was.
Our feature image is by Lowri Tolman and her continuous line drawing of a dog chasing a cat, chasing a mouse, chasing cheese. We love it! Scroll down to see a version in colour too!
Student Cheryl Day (below) has drawn a very creative piece of three people with flowers on their heads, we feel is absolutely stunning! Pauline has a special mention for her cacti too, what a fab subject to choose! So many amazing pieces, well done to everyone who took part this week!
We hope that everyone enjoyed this challenge. Stay tuned for a new Weekend Art Challenge posted here tomorrow.
The continuous line ladies. Hard challenge but enjoyed it Cheryl DayThis week’s challenge was an interesting one and more tricky than I thought but an enjoyable, always nice to try something new! I have drawn some cacti in ink! Pauline BurkeThis is my one continuous line drawing, for the challenge this week. RebekahHere is my contribution to the Weekend Challenge: Continuous Line Drawing. A self-portrait without putting down the pencil. Thank you for the exciting task, it was a lot of fun. AntoninaContinuous line – wobbly chair! Rosalind Spilling.A dodo Emma MillerHere is my contribution to the weekend challenge “continuous line drawing” which wasn’t so easy! I drew small portraits with indian ink no. 1,5 and then colored them lightly with watercolor. Rose-Marie BiehligA very quick line drawing of BoJo Andi BettinsonThis is my attempt of the continuous line drawing with Gimp. I am not sure if I was drawing in a right way. I just wanted to give it a try and experiment it. Sally StudleyKatalin Zele-Kiss Dried allium heads. Always a tricky exercise but great fun. Dinah Barker Continuous line. Thought I’d attempt Louis Theroux in a single stroke. Not sure who this guy is, definitely weird, but fun to do. I’m afraid his raised eyebrows had to be connected with scrawls (proving I didn’t cheat). Great exercise suggestion!! Julie SmalleyContinuous line drawing in ballpoint pen. A very relaxing exercise Jackie GrovesI really enjoyed giving this a try. It got me back to drawing after a dry spell Judy Feilder Continuous Line Drawing It’s weird cause I cld sense the gears in my brain shifting between Logic/rational, then creative/free flow. Any how enjoy this week dear artist friends. JRContinuous line drawing – playing with colour and having fun Josie SslContinuous line drawing First time I have tried this.Thx to London arts college for making us grow up in art. Latha Bhaduri PrabakarContinuous line. For this weekend’s challenge I did a very basic carnet of wine. Nina PhillipsContinuous line drawing – weekend challenge. A self-portrait. Was really fun Antonina PopinaWeekend challenge: continuous line drawing. I’ve enjoyed a lot this very pleasant challenge. I’ve used the photo of a beautiul Flamenco dancer and (I have to admit) my light table to realize this drawing. Véra JaouadiReally enjoyed this challenge… a wee study of my favourite flowers- rudbeckia, rose, tulip and sunflower. Linda CraigContinuous line drawing of a dog chasing a cat, chasing a mouse, chasing cheese. Lowri TolmanI added a splash of colour to my original continuous line drawing. Lowri Tolman
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