LAST MONTH TO ENTER the Derwent Art Prize
Artists from around the world have until 4 JANUARY 2022 to…
✨ Enter artworks created in any pencil, including colour, water soluble, pastel, graphite and charcoal pencils. You can enter up to 6 works, created in the last 3 years, in 2D or 3D.
✨ Show your work to a prestigious panel of judges:
Charmaine Watkiss, artist, recently showing at Tiwani Contemporary and Royal Academy of Arts, Katy Hessel, art historian, broadcaster, and curator, The Great Women Artists, and Paul Hobson, director of Modern Art Oxford.
✨ If shortlisted, you will take part in a group exhibition at gallery@OXO, Oxo Tower Wharf, a high-end gallery space in central London, from 24th February to 6th March 2022. The exhibition will then tour to Paris, France.
✨ You will also have the chance to win over £12,500 in prizes, including a First Prize of £4,000 plus a year’s supply of Derwent products. There are also specific prizes for young artists under 25.

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