The Pastel Certificate course with the London Art College is the perfect way to become well acquainted with all things pastel. From conte sticks, pastel pencils, soft and hard pastels and oil pastels, this course introduces you to a range of different pastels including the opportunity to experiment with mixed media techniques.
The wide variety of assignments have allowed me to explore lots of different styles of painting such as portraiture, landscapes, abstract and loose work and still life work. Throughout the course I have discovered how best I like to paint with pastels and where my biggest strengths and enjoyments lie. I can conclude that the course is well structured with plenty of opportunities for practice along the way in-between assignment submissions.
The course has been stimulating and the tutor feedback was incredibly prompt, comprehensive, and constructive. The feedback allowed me to progress onto the next assignments, knowing where and how I needed to improve to better my work. The mechanism of uploading and sending my work for assessment was very simple and straightforward. There are plenty of opportunities to integrate with the London art college team and tutors with competitions, blogs and weekly art forums to get involved with which is nice and made me feel part of the online student culture at LAC.
Now that I have finished the pastel certificate course, I feel the LAC could benefit from running a more advanced deep dive pastel course (perhaps diploma level or advanced course – 6 months – 1 year). I cannot find anywhere online where this is offered at academic level or online or in person for that matter so there is definitely a lucrative gap in the market. I would be willing to try the course if it ever came to fruition or to help design it with the lovely Monika!! 🙂
I do hope this is not my last encounter with the LAC and would most definitely recommend this to friends, family and budding artists alike. Thank You LAC & Monika! x

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