London Art College student Clifford Herbert has just completed our Illustration Diploma course and passed with a Distinction. Tutor Steve Hersey was over the moon with Cliffords work and said – Clifford has just completed his Illustration Diploma course and his work was outstanding. I was deeply impressed by the quality of skill and imagination.
We asked Clifford if he would mind us adding some of his work on the blog – which he didn’t of course! You can read about each image below. Clifford said –
I’m glad to say that I passed my Illustration course, and have received my diploma. Thanks once again to LAC and my tutor for their excellent course and support and the most useful, informative and encouraging feedback that I could have wished for.
Clifford Herbert
What a great course it was. One in which I learned so much, which had me thinking and, at times, scratching the aging head, and sometimes using some words I ought not to have uttered; it was a course which drew (‘scuse the pun) so much out of me that I didn’t know was there. It took me far too long to do, but was such a great pleasure. Anyway, thanks to you, College. What to do with myself now….ah, yes, time to make a decent start on my drawing and painting course….
1. This is a full colour illustration of page 6, which introduces Vicky Licketts and one of her loves – ponies, in this case, and that she lives at Shrub Farm.

2. Another full colour illustration this time introducing the Little Grey Woodlouse and telling the reader where he lives and what he likes.

3. The Little Grey Woodlouse has found Vicky’s toothbrush and Vicky is very upset to find him with her toothbrush

4. A thumbnail where Vicky is saying to the reader ‘you didn’t think I was going to squash him?’ – black and white line drawing

5. A thumbnail where Vicky is telling the LGW – and the reader – that she loves him – black and white line drawing

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