I have thoroughly enjoyed the Colour Pencils Course and would certainly recommend it: there is so much more to colour pencils than I imagined and Monika has been so helpful and encouraging with her feedbacks.
Wild Animals
For this composition I used several reference photos; I decided by having more sky this brought my elephants forward and gave some distance to the background. This was done on A3 landscape as I did not want to be inhibited by the size of the paper. I firstly sketched each individual elephant and then composed my picture onto layout paper, to get the effect, perspective, and the correct size for the elephants. This was then used as a guide for placement for the final picture.

This also included a group. For this I used the method of layout paper again. I used four reference photos for the children. I had to make adjustments to the size of the characters to get the correct perspective. Again, A3 landscape paper was used.

Fruit and Vegetables
This was also partly a still life. I wanted to make an interesting composition and do something a bit different. This had several textures to portray, all challenging, especially as the subject was perishable. This was done on A4 portrait.

Plant Life
This was inspired by wallflowers on a nearby neighbour’s wall. I wanted to do something different with a close-up of one flower, to create a “zoomed in” effect. I took several photographs for reference. This was done on A4 landscape.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the Colour Pencils course and would certainly recommend it: there is so much more to colour pencils than I imagined, and Monika has been so helpful and encouraging with her feedbacks.
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