My favourite watercolour artists are Ann Mortimer and Geoff Kersey, I do really like their evocative realism style of painting, but I also love Hazel Soan’s loose style.

For this assignment, I made a painting that depicts a group of animals, goats, sheep and a horse, inside an enclosure as the sunsets. I liked the idea of painting “white”, which is the sum of all colors and lends itself well to the use of a myriad of shades. I just mentioned the structure behind the animals because I didn’t want to distract attention from the focal point of the painting, the animals, in particular the little goat in the foreground.

I really liked the composition and the good lighting. I decided to get rid of some vegetation and add the red boat, which became the focal point of the painting. The tree in the foreground is leaning towards the boat, and the same has been painted in red, a complementary color of green, to make it stand out among all the vegetation.

I’ve chosen to paint the quince fruits with warm colors, yellows, reds and oranges, with a touch of greens and blues, to contrast with the cool colors of the surface on which the quinces rest (purples, blues and Alizarin Crimson, which is a cool red). The background is an intense green but basically neutral (obtained by mixing French Ultramarine Blue with Aureoline Yellow). Around the fruits I used the Indigo to give the quinces a way to stand out even more. Well-lit subjects are my favourite ones because the light is very strong and creates a nice contrast.
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