My journey started in May after recovering from COVID. Having done no art since my school days lockdown and the closing of my business gave me the opportunity to dabble. I have always been a fan of colour pencil work so decided to sign up for the College’s ‘Colour Pencil Certificate Course’ It was the perfect time to take myself out of my comfort zone and go try something new.
I have learnt so much over the past six months, every exercise provided a me with a new challenge and the learning curve often felt steep. The more I practiced the more I fell in love with the medium and the more determined I was to improve. My final assignment took the longest to complete, I chose subjects that had special meaning , ones where I could display a good use of colour and composition.
Going forward I hope to continue to improve, I love learning from others and have appreciated my tutors (Monika) constructive comments . It would be wonderful to get to a level where I would be considered good enough to exhibit, that would be a dream. finally a big thank you to all you lovely artists that have advised and encouraged me throughout, it means the world.

Kingfisher … Chosen simply for its beautiful colors ,it was a joy to draw. The background was a different story an initial disaster resulting in a completed redrawing of the whole piece, this time experimenting with a lovely technique called Bokeh.

The Lone Hydrangea… This is my all time favorite flower, my daughter had it in her wedding bouquet and is of real sentimental value. Focusing on the detail of a single bloom I really enjoyed the challenge of capturing its form and the introduction of a blurry background to enhance the flower
The Armed Knights Rock Lands End…. I love the sea and I love Cornwall so this seemed the perfect subject (my own reference photo.) This drawing was a real stamina challenge of value ,detail and in the rendering of the sea for the first time.
Portrait … Vicky my daughter. At first I was going to avoid portraits like the plague as they scared me. In ass 3 I took the plunge and was surprised to find I really enjoyed it. It wasn’t my best work so I decided to take a risk and try another one for ass 4 in the hope that I could show improvement. I will most certainly be trying some more I find them enthralling to create, for some reason I love drawing eyes and always do them first. It feels like that person emerges from the paper like magic.

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