When time and work permitted until retirement, I have been a life long keen amateur painter who hates drawing. I am mostly self taught from DVDs and books a few workshops and I also did the Pet Portrait Diploma a few years back achieving a merit.
I decided with Covid 19 restricting our normal lives so much it was a great opportunity to do another London Art College Diploma course and the Landscape course was the obvious choice for me. I am a confident but not always competent painter often getting overly carried away splashing paint about so the discipline of formal painting course is just what I need to improve.

The painting of Wells above, was in acrylic at dusk looking across the moat and it took me a gazillion hours.

The one of Cromford Canal I did in pastel am not entirely happy with the result but I did have fun doing it, Cromford canal is a real favourite for me.

The oil seascape I do like although I can see Alan is right in that I am giving a lot of emphasis on everything all at once, clouds, sky, rocks, sea and people I really must try and choose a main focal point.
Those are all paintings I did prior to starting this Landscape course and probably the only ones I actually like, many of the rest I got too slapdash with and are in a drawer never to surface again.

The acrylic painting of the path above Derwentwater through the trees was part of Assignment one and I loved doing it. I used a sponge with dozens of colour to create the trees, a knife on the path and got thoroughly messy. I really appreciate the feedback I got from Alan and have realised looking at my previous paintings I often don’t distinguish much in tone between the foreground and distance.
Carole Busby
Landscape Diploma Course
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