Mari-Ann Berg has created three tonal sketches, a coloured pencil flower study and a garden scene for one of her sets of assignments on the Drawing & Painting Diploma Course. Read about how Mari-Ann created the artwork below.

Duck looking for food (Brovillion’s Cretacolor – charcoal of different types).
My sewing-machine (Artico Charcoal pencils). This was drawn when the room was dark, but the light of the sewing-machine was on.
Melting snow, stones and old grass (Brovillion’s Cretacolor – charcoal of different types).
White Hippeastrum (amaryllis)
My association with this type of plant comes from my mother who, as early as I can remember, had a small collection of bulbs. It is one of my earliest reminiscences of plants when she showed me how many stems and buds that were coming. (The coloured pencils are Luminance from Caran d’Ache.)
In my garden / ’I trädgården’
As part of Set 2 I sent in a drawing called ‘In my garden’, and the task I was given was to make it darker. I worked with that and in the end tried washes on a loose paper. Despite trying like this beforehand I made it so dark that it was spoiled. I have therefore tried the same motif once again, and to keep them apart I have given the new drawing a Swedish name, ‘I trädgården’ (= Eng. ‘In the garden’). I have used the same brand of ink, but changed the colour to a blacker type.