Study at your own pace. Online access to your tutor. For all ages and abilities. Improving your skills or furthering your art career? We have a course for you.
Study at your own pace. Online access to your tutor. For all ages and abilities. Improving your skills or furthering your art career? We have a course for you.
Welcome to our latest weekend art challenge all about Tigers! What a stunning array of magnificent creatures we have to show this week.
Our featured image is shared this week by Elena Statham, who’s artwork is on the left and Sarah Louise Amit who’s wet in wet watercolour close up of a tigers eye on the right. Both paintings are stunning and you can see them in full in the post below.
Also special mention to Pauline Burke who has created a pastel drawing of a Tiger called Amber. It is the first image below, so delicately drawn – well done Pauline!
Congratulations to all of the students who took part this week. Plus a big welcome all of our new students who have taken part in our weekly challenges this week.
Drop back here or head on over to our facebook page tomorrow to find out what the new challenge is! As Julie Smalley said in her tiger pic below..
‘”A focus on the tiger’s eyes, they said. OK. If it’s for a LAC Weekend Challenge, then let’s do it!”
We are thrilled our students love the challenges so much. Keep up the great work everyone!!