Welcome to this weekends art challenge all about wild flowers. Some of the photos below were taken on a woodland track in the wilds of west Wales, others are stock photos all free to use. You can draw or paint from these if you would like. Or perhaps you have access to lots of different wild flowers where you live, if so we would love to see them! Alternatively you could perhaps use copyright free reference photos online.
There are a few different ideas for a wild flower challenge. You might like to create a full blown painting or drawing with a background of leaves and a spray of wild flowers in the foreground.
You might like to create a more looser abstract style with lots of splashes of colour, shape and form on a larger scale.
Alternatively, you could create more of a nature journal with delicate studies of different wild flowers and plants in pencil, coloured pencil or watercolour. The flower names and perhaps even their latin names hand written next to them would be a lovely addition.
There are so many ideas for this challenge and we hope that you find lots of enjoyment in studying the flora around you.