Study at your own pace. Online access to your tutor. For all ages and abilities. Improving your skills or furthering your art career? We have a course for you.
Study at your own pace. Online access to your tutor. For all ages and abilities. Improving your skills or furthering your art career? We have a course for you.
Welcome to the results of this weekends art challenge. We set our students the task of creating a mandala or two! Students seem to have loved this idea and found the whole process very relaxing and meditative.
So many beautiful and very colourful pieces of artwork have been produced by students this week. We are sure that you will all find them very inspiring. It also proves that mandalas don’t need to be round, they can be any shape, even in dog form – take a look at the Mandala by Chris Rye. Stunning.
We even have a video for you all to view by student Mila Zinzen as she has animated her Mandala. The components of which are below too. What a treat and a wonderful way to kick off this blog post of amazing artwork.
We are absolutely delighted to read that so many of you enjoyed this challenge and we hope that you are looking forward to the next one tomorrow.
For this weekend challenge my mandala is a video one. Enclosed also a picture of it and the decorative element I used as the basis below. I like the ‘flying together’ feeling of this family. Mandala is a circle. Family is our closest circle. Video by Mila ZinzenMila ZinzenMy weekend challenge: 3 out four I’ve done year ago and top right one this weekend. Absolutely love coloring mandalas so relaxing and mind clearing! I used pages out of coloring book (yes sadly I’m not good at creating symmetrical shapes) media watercolor markers and perl colors, all of the pieces change colors depending on light I layer it with many different colors so one shines thru other. Elena Statham‘Bertie Mandala’ a mandala inspired version of one a my painting of an old friend! Chris RyeAn ink zentangle / mandala. Chelsi NicoleMy weekend challenge, done in pencil then micron pen. Vicky WatkinsAstrid NielchNot really sure if this pair qualifies but it’s the nearest thing I’ve ever done to a mandala as geometric patterns isn’t really my thing. Gill Brook This is a mandala using a technique I read about in ‘Designa:Technical Secrets of the Traditional Visual Arts’, called turning keys. This is a completely new technique for me and of course after finishing the central part I decided (as on my previous mandalas) to fill in the rest. This mandala was done with the purpose of solving repetitive problems and patterns in my life. The number 36(6×6) becomes numerologically a 9, which is a closing number. Luiza VaroviciMandala hot-air balloon ride with raccoon and cat 🙂 🙂 Watercolor and Indian ink. Rose-Marie BiehligThis was a nice absorbing challenge to do loved it! I watched the video of watercolour washes and then inked design on top and felt inspired by that. Pauline BurkeSeren GwawrVéra JaouadiHera are my Mandalas, 2 normal Mandalas and 2 dreamcatchers with simple Mandalas Dóra BirgisFirst EVAH mandala for me (blue), hand-planned ‘n’ drawn. Astonished. Product placement in the second (orange) I hope you notice. And (white) a garden table with flowers and birds version. Kinda like the Delft look here (!). Aren’t everyone’s mandalas marvellous? Julie SmalleyMandala – sometimes I spend time coloring mandalas, but this is the first one I’ve drawn. My shapes aren’t perfect, but I’m happy with it, and it was fun and relaxing. I did this using Procreate on my iPad. Connie Hohman BerryMy weekend challenge: mandala based on a Passiflora. Victoria MorenoMy first Mandela done in Procreate, such fun to do. Diane EastlakeThis is my colourful mandala. I’ve used a black pen for the basic frame work and a varied assortment of colours using pencils. Nina PhillipsI don’t know if this actually counts as a mandala, but it’s something I’ve come to enjoy. It’s meditative and a great was to exercise your skills. Just before lockdown my husband and I were lucky enough to fit in our 3 week honeymoon in India. This is reminiscent of that beautiful country…. Rosy May DavisNever done one of these before but really enjoyed it. Gouache and masking fluid Kirstie BakerMandalas in folk art style. This I have done a long back ago. Though of sharing here for Madhavi Yelnurkar ChopadeBit of a different take on mandalas. Love these weekend challenges as wouldn’t think to try different shapes. Great relaxation after a week’s primary teaching! Thought I’d have a go with a face. Helen JaegerI love this Weekend challenge! I painted a lot of Mandalas in the last years. Here are some of them. It is with fineliners and markers, Acryl and colored pencils. I tried different technics. The most relaxing I find drawing the framework with fineliner and then coloring with markers or colored pencils. Inga BerkensträterShamina ChowdhuryAlways mandala has been a stress buster.It also improves my concentration power.I have done many. Here are some. LathaI was thinking that my work has also something from Mandala. It’s one of my big project paper-cuts, which is in progress. I’m sending my paper-cut. Combination of inspiration of polish folklore paper-cut and silhouette of a famous Lutheran church Frauenkirche in Dresden in Germany. Rebuild after Second World War in 2005. Ania Lebiedzka