Welcome to our very summery weekend art challenge. This week, we would love for you to be creative with strawberries. It’s the height of the strawberry season and you may be lucky enough to have some growing in your garden, or sitting in your fridge ready to eat. If you do, why not draw or paint them – even photograph them, for this weekend’s art challenge.
If you don’t have access to a real strawberry, then second best are all the lovely photos collated for you below.
The challenge is quite open, you can create your artwork using one Strawberry with lots of detail, or perhaps you could like to capture them in a bowl or a hoard of strawberries painted loosely across your page. You might even want to make a lovely fresh cake with strawberries and cream on top – but don’t forget to draw, paint or photograph it before you eat it!!
However you would like to create your strawberry piece, we hope that you enjoy it and have fun. We are looking forward to seeing your creations soon!