Welcome to our new weekend art challenge. Student Beckie Andrews came up with a lovely idea for this weekends challenge. She would love for you all to draw or paint lyrics from your favourite song.
We don’t really have many examples of actual illustrated songs to give inspiration. However our students will have to start thinking about what their favourite song might be and how they could design images around it.
We do have three lovely illustrations to show, the first by Veronica Makarein who completed this for one of her assignments on the Graphic Design course a few years ago. It depicts the limerick ‘There once was a man from Nantucket..’ with drawings around the text. Isn’t it wonderful!
The second is an illustration created by Nicola Schofield, the third is Magdalena Piwowarczyk and both students created these pieces on the Illustration Diploma course around poems.
Hopefully these images will give you a small guide as to what can be achieved, but let your imagination run wild. Create something in colour, black and white, digital – the choice is yours. We are very much looking forward to seeing what you all come up with and most of all have fun with it!