Weekend Art Challenge Pandas!

Welcome to our weekend challenge set last weekend on the theme of Pandas. We have received a phenomenal amount of Panda artwork! Each and everyone one being beautifully creative and we can see that our students really embraced the theme this week.

A big shout out to all of our new students and members to our facebook group who have just started this week with the challenges. We also want to mention a young artist called Vlad, Carmen’s son, who created the beautiful drawing below of a panda below. Vlad is Aged 12 and we feel he has created a very advanced drawing for his age and can’t wait to see his next one!

We also wanted to mention the artwork by Dylan F Jeskye. This will be our first lino cut on one of our challenges. Excellent work Dylan!!

We hope that all of our students enjoyed this weeks challenge – well dpoen to everyone! We also hope that you gain lots of inspiration from reading and viewing the artwork below.

Stay tuned for a new challenge tomorrow!

My son’s contribution to this week’s challenge, he does the Children drawing 1.
Carmen and son Vlad
I haven’t done an art challenge for a while. But since I have been experimenting with lino cutting, I thought that would lend itself beautifully for this week’s subject. So here’s my contribution.
Dylan F Jeskye
Hello from my panda! This task is actually quite a funny coincidence as I have just started learning Chinese:) Many years ago I lived in Beijing, and now I have finally found time to learn the language! Better late than never! And yes, in China they treat pandas like their country’s mascot.”Ni hao!” Panda, pigment ballpen on black paper.
Mila Zinzen
This is my first submission as I have only just enrolled on the Pet Portrait Course.
Panda’s are such beautiful animals so I thought I would have a go!
Angela Burt
I had a lot of fun with this little panda. The technique (cutter and black paper) made me feel as if I were doing some lace work or or some glass cutting for a Tiffany artwork.
Vera Jaouadi
Rachel Shelly
“I’m soooooo tried!!”
Indeed, the cutest animal on the earth…
It is made in mixed media.
My quick sketch for this weeks Challenge.
Chris Rye
Khadiga Kadry
Patricia Elliott
My Panda
Sumi ink on paper..
Alexandria L. Prietama
Just finished it as I am still getting used to the tool of GIMP. The smudge tool did the wonder and made Panda’s fur look realistic.
Spring Dawn
Aren’t pandas so adorable!!  Really enjoyed trying to capture Pandas mum and baby with pencil so cute to try and draw.
I have called it ” Panda mother’s  love”
Pauline Burke
My first post- weekend challenge, Panda
Emma Jane Knowles
Fun with panda and pencils, including sketching, charcoal and water-soluble ones. Subject matter definitely a first for me, but isn’t that what a challenge is all about?
Julie Smalley
Panda. Never done animals before, quite rewarding experience. Used Procreate on iPad Pro.
Elena Statham
A sketch of a slumped panda from my fave of the ref pics
Nicola Young
Madhavi Yelnurkar Chopade
My first ever Weekend Challenge. A rather hastily drawn Panda.
Lorna Boak
Vicki Watkins
Here’s my panda. I’ve used watercolour pencils(dry). I found some appropriate wrapping paper for the background. The branches & leaves I did separately and used different shades of appropriate colours for them.
Nina Phillips
Weekend Panda…… I looked it up, they do eat for up to 14hrs a day! The rest is spent sleeping and other stuff. I’m sure there is a lockdown pun in there somewhere… 
Steve Hunt
First ever ‘furry’ animal! A photo I took in China.
Rachel Shelly
Rainbow Panda in watercolour
Sarah Louise Martin
My panda for this weekend challenge. Pen on paper
Ruth Stirton‎
My attempt at a Panda painting in watercolours. Used one of the photos from the LAC inspiration. Great challenge.
‘Mama Bear’
Kirstie Baker
Little cute watercolour panda
Patricia Clarke
I  was excited to do collage after a long time
Latha Prabakar
Hello guys! Happy to be here. My weekend challenge
Elena Borisova‎
Panda in the dark.
Sheila Brown
Hi First Post just enrolled here’s a Panda Sketch done very quickly for the weekend challenge just in time
Martin Gibbons
Colored pencils
Chelsi Nicole
Tony Burger
 Panda has a little desire but a lot of joy ,cute and fat just like the figure Chinese secular Maitreya. I like this cute subject theme and my drawing, and I hope you like it too.
Luiza Varovici

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