We have a simply superb collection of paintings today by our Pet Portraits Diploma Course students. We thought it would be lovely to celebrate our animal painting students and also provide some inspiration to our readers too.
If you have been thinking about learning how to paint or draw pets, our amazing art course might be perfect for you. As well as painting domestic animals you can paint birds and wildlife too. You can see below there are paintings of horses and dogs…as well as a white Tiger. Our students can choose to create artwork of all wildlife and birds to their hearts desire.
All of the images you see below were traditionally hand painted from photos. We do encourage students to work from life as well as photos. Animals don’t tend to sit still very often, however if you have access to zoos and wildlife centres, taking your sketchbook along can be lots of fun. It can be daunting so if you have an arty friend, drawing together can be great moral support. Its not compulsory though, if you have a pet of your own, why not try to draw them instead!
If you would like to read more about the Pet Portraits Art Course, head on over to our website, you can enrol from there too. You can start at any time and work from home on your own schedule. Sounds perfect doesn’t it!! It is!