Weekend Art Challenge – Cityscapes Artwork

Welcome to our weekend artwork with the theme – Cityscapes. We left the theme fairly open so that our students were able to add their own flare and creativity into the artwork. As you can see from looking at the amazing paintings and drawings below there are some wonderful ideas and cityscape renderings. We love them all, particularly the cityscape view of Brisbane by Pricilla Hocking below. Absolutely superb!

We hope that you enjoy viewing the artwork. Congratulations to all of those students who took part. We hope that you feel by creating artwork like this each week it really helps you improve your techniques and skill level in your work. A new challenge coming soon!

Cityscape – view of Brisbane, Au
Priscilla Hocking
This is my contribution to cityscapes weekend challenge – one of the Dnipro River embankment in Kyiv
Iryna Labunska‎
City. First try with perspective and it is not that easy 
Małgosia Kobylec
oils over acrylic 
Sheila Brown
Here’s my weekend challenge, a pastel painting of colourful Valparaiso
Vera Jaouadi
Just for a bit of fun, lost control of the powder n water spray but, oh well. I like the colour on the right side
Patricia Clarke
I generally enjoy the aerial view of cityscape from an aeroplane window.
I have chosen London for a cityscape and drawn with white ink on black paper for a negative view!
Pauline Burke
Mixed media Cityscape
Louise Dexter
I transferred the mass of ink, watercolor, pencil and lamp on my desk to be a cityscape, the shelf behind it to be a mountain faraway, the hat on the wall to be sun. But,I think the picture looks like a small town. These two views are displayed together as reference for each other.
Here’s my weekend challenge, a watercolour of Chester City after a visit there last year.
Mike Masson
Ink drawing of St John’s College, Cambridge. It isn’t a city scape, but part of an essential ingredient of a city scape. What would Cambridge be without the colleges, I wonder.
Clifford Herbert
‘Dubrovnik Balconies’ clamoured for inclusion too. So I let it in.
Julie Smalley
Here is my cityscape of Little India in Singapore . Always filled with colors
Madhavi Yelnurkar Chopade
Weekend art challenge – the city
Magdalena Anna Piwowarczyk
Hong Kong
Elena Statham
Hong Kong
Elena Statham
Julie Smalley‎
Cityscape of Reading where I live in Reading Football Club colours. Really enjoyed this one
Kirstie Baker
A pencil drawing of The Moulin Rouge in Paris.
Nina Phillips‎
Tried pen and ink last night for a cityscape
Dionne Turnbull
Pen Drawing cityscape challenge
Khadiga Kadry
Cambridge Street – The Copper Kettle – old watercolour, never did get it how I wanted it but it’s the nearest I can get to a city scape!
Audrey Quinton
London Docklands
Nina Phillips
It’s my view of Bridge of Sighs, St. John’s College, Cambridge. 
Josiene Saibrosa da Silva

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